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Posts posted by Pentode

  1. Strange do... no one else gets them.


    I wonder where you downloaded the installation from? Tell you why I'm asking-:


    A while ago I was looking for software and came across Softpeadia, I came across  THREE similar sights, one the real one and two were faked, I reported them to the real Softpeadia site, there were two things caught my eye, they offered 'cracked' software and the URL's, dunno what  happened to them but did have a 'thank you' from their Admin stating he would report the matter, this wasn't that long ago.


    Another source I would not use is Cnet, I don't trust them one bit, heard other folks say the same. One could try opening the links and checking the 'full' URL  - a good job I did!


    As for tracking, they're all at it some worse than others.... I have many Google tracker sites blocked in Host Manager (Abelhadigital), I also use DNT+ I've got doubts about that too and have it turned off a while now, I don't trust them like I use do.


    Turn cookies off if you can,  at the very least clean them out along with the rest such as search history, temporary files and such like before you shut down.... a bit like doing the washing up after a dinner. You don't know whats lurking in there waiting for a reboot.



  2. He don''t tell us his operating system or service pack either1


    I run XP pro and NOD32 is about the fastest AV I can find, certainly doesn't slow me down and non-bloated unlike the last one I had, no name no flame wars, but there were pop ups after pop ups, and installed unwanted programs if you wasn't alert.... there's a clue.


    For slowness 'I myself' would be running a virus scan followed by a Malware scan with Malwarebytes or similar... remember anti virus and anti malware programs are entirely different things.


    The last AV I had I used the un-install tool, boy what a load of rubbish it left behind, there were loads of registry entries and some files left over, some were protected and I had to alter permission to delete them, so now whenever I un-install ANY AV  now I do a manual search after.... I never noticed this issue with NOD32..... geesh, my machine flew after removing it and installing NOD32.


    There might be a few gurus here waiting to help I doubt they are telepathic, a little more info would be most helpful.....


    Operating system, service pack if any, amount of RAM and previous anti virus program, you don't even tell us what you have tried or what programs are affected.



  3. I did say in the header and obviously meant on the index page.... not in some obscure place at the bottom of the page.


    Obviously, only the op can activate it, I know that!



  4. How about a tick icon or 'solved' icon in the header  that the poster can set when the problem has been solved.... just an idea.


    I did have a problem myself a day or two ago where I thought it was a Nod32 problem it wasn't,  it was a computer fault which I resolved. Pretty sure I marked the post solved, I couldn't see any indications.



  5. Yes I plan installing Sp3 on a cloned drive to see how it goes.


    Ekrn.exe causing no problems now, now I've cleaned the CPU cooler and applied new thermal paste,  just that it always showed up on ekrn.exe.... cpu runs some 14 deg. cooler now and that is on idle, if only it crashed on something else, if only!


    Looks like I've solved this problem so the matter is now closed and certainly NOT a Nod32 problem as I wrongly thought... or lead to believe.


    Thank you again Marcos,



  6. Hi again.


    Nope, Nod32 is not to blame.... just that it crashed the last three days as erkn.exe was loading and I noted it kinda stayed peak cpu for ages, then 'crash it went'. For what little time I had I lobbed a hard drive in that had NO av on (just a clean copy of windows I keep as a back up), that crashed on me about an hour ago as I loaded the cpu - so it isn't Nod32 the cause.


    I apologize for that in spite of all the indications being there, I did disable Nod that kind of helped so I thought.... until it rebooted itself.


    Thanks for the response, better close this topic and do a bit of head scratching since this is an av board, it certainly isn't a Nod fault as I was led to believe.



  7. Product updating:


    My product version kept telling me it was 'up to date',  yet a new product was released. Thanks to a reply from Marcos I was soon put right and had the new product installed in no time.


    Is the user notified in the GUI?  Seemed a little odd to me there was a newer version out and my GUI didn't tell me, it could be the update was of no significance.



  8. I noticed I'm using product version 7.0.302.26 and saying 'up to date' and that a new version is out.


    Does the new version 'have' to be installed manually or is it done on a auto update? I understand this update can be done over the older version, it's the updating I'm not sure off.


    Thanks Dave

  9. @ Dr Teeth.


    Just like a union man eh, one out all out.


    I take no notice of reviews,  well I do but they go in one ear come out the other, I do take notice of users though this is why I said you can tell a good AV from it's forum.


    I often wonder how AV testers make their money, each and everyone has different methods of testing, have you seen this? hxxp://www.melih.com/2011/11/27/av-comparatives-org-bullying-censorship-and-financial-deals-with-anti-virus-vendors/


    Everyone has different computer configurations and not everyone visits the same sites so the playing field is very uneven. I for one have non essential services stopped and always do the washing up before shutting down, cleaning all the cookies and temporary files etc, you don't know whats lurking in there waiting for the next reboot ... just my way of doing things.


    One thing I 'try' and avoid when downloading any software is to get it from any old where... always get it from the vendors,  from the horses mouth so to speak.



  10. @DRTeeth


    Yikes, one of the FTDX rigs had a display issue didn't they? They display went 14 months after purchase and Yaesu didn't want to know, according to one guy on QRZ dot com a while back, not very please he wasn't.


    Better get back on topic:

    I'm only a single license user, it would be different for multi licenses users, that is when the prices start rising I should have known that, it's a different kettle of fish with half a dozen machines.


    Dave G4COE   G-qrp 8621

  11. Hi Dr Teeth.

    Must be saving for a TS590 or a TS990 (ugly thing it is) Hi! 


    Didn't know there was a price increase my license runs out just after Christmas, maybe the price increase will generate a mass exodus!.


    I can say NOD32 never given me an ounce of trouble, I came from Avast and glad I did, that's down right now due to hacking, whats good an AV if they don't patch their software.... with them you get plagued with adverts  and unwanted installs and that was the paid version, Chrome and Grime Fighter are the top two on top of that  you got BSODs non of that here, to me it's a breath of fresh air,  guess maybe I won't be 'griping' as much' I've got  until late December to 'huff and puff'.


    I always think you can tell a good AV from the forum they keep.



  12. Sorted:



    I just couldn't get rid of Virus defs out of date... they was up to date and I updated the product via on-line installer... still had the warning.


    So I re-cloned the hard drive to a good copy and all is well.


    Sounds as if I should have done a NOD32 re-install.



  13. Hi all, especially to Dr Teeth.

    I'm a radio amateur too, like working cw, rag chewing and home brewing.... no, no not the liquid stuff, also like making pcbs. You'll see an article or two of mine in Sprat, the G-qrp club magazine.


    I came here from another AV, a very buggy AV I kicked into the long grass, nuff of that


    I couldn't resist dropping by when I saw Dr Teeth,  just like a union man eh, one out all out!! Would love to learn the guitar, I do practice the mouth harp, for some reason all the cats n' dogs wanna join in.


    Good luck all, Dave

  14. Glad it was of use Arakasi..... the more I read that link the more I question the motive.


    Trouble is these 'testers' don't all use the same method..... what would be the point if they did?? They'd all get the same result.


    I can appreciate differing results you just have to, but not widely differing results, do they use the same viruses could also be asked.



  15. The ratings depends on how the test is done and method used. Browsing other test sites will show this, one particular brand might be highly rated whilst on another site shows it down in the bottom half.


    I do question how these companies make their money, I don't just mean AV Comparatives here.


    I know this is 3 years ago now, have you seen this? hxxp://www.melih.com/2011/11/27/av-comparatives-org-bullying-censorship-and-financial-deals-with-anti-virus-vendors/ I don't know whats in it, the poor guy just may be upset about something I dunno, see what you think.


    If NOD32 was that bad I'm sure I and many others wouldn't be using it, you can always test with Eicar test files, nothing like the proper thing I know, here's the link  hxxp://www.eicar.org/85-0-Download.html  should you try this take Eicars warning  you do this at your own risk.


    Never tried it with NOD32 yet, feel I've no reason to.


    Even searching for an Antivirus or Security Suite, ratings seem to vary wildly from site to site, I take no notice of the 'glossy' you see, even when buying hardware or anything else... if it does the job that's fine.



  16. There is a bit that you can do to prevent this, this is by altering your computer security policy to 'help' prevent the infection from running, but first you need a little insight on how they actually carry out the 'dirty', rather than explain I'll post a link from Bleeping Computer... this explains how the virus works.... and how to set your security policy on your machine here is the link-:




    There is a small  program that you can install from Major Geeks,  I can't say how good it is as I haven't installed it, here is the link for that-:




    Apologies if these links have already been given.






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