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Posts posted by Pentode

  1. I'm still on version 7 because I need to have 'Scanned by' signature on my outgoing Emails, I don't know if the latest version has brought this facility back, if it has I would have no problem updating.


    I run Win 7 pro x 64bit and XP pro 32bit... I did have Linux version for a short while, they all ran flawless, the only time I noticed Nod is in update notifications.... and when it slaps my hands for visiting 'dodgy' sites, the best AV I've had to date.



  2. Just trying to help throw some light that's all.

    I'm wondering if it's scanning print spooler file before printing. By chance do you have 'scan when opening files' enabled in the NOD32 GUI? If so as a test not a cure disable it just to try but remember to re-enable it afterwards, should this be the problem then you'll have to take it from there.


    This was just an idea I had, no harm in trying I guess.



  3. Nod32 got me wondering.


    Why Nod32?  How about Nod64 or NodAV, NodIS?  Many systems now run on 64bits, when you see Nod32 it fixates the mind that the product only runs on 32bit systems..... a long time since the dos old days, big floppy's them were!!!


    I had to show one guy there was a NOD64 version and that it ran happily on my Win7 64bit. he thought Nod32 was only for 32 bit systems.


    Keep the good work up ESET.



  4. Don't make any sense at all now does it? I mean I can just let the license run out and reapply couldn't I rather than pay for two individual licenses as you seem to indicate.  As I see it either ESET want's my custom or they don't.


    Secondly..... If my computer breaks down right, I re-insert the license on the new computer which happens to have  a Linux rather than XP pro say, no problem there right?    Sorry I shouldn't have asked that question, just answered it myself.


    I've got onto customer service for clarification shortly after the original post, thanks anyway



  5. I have Nod32 anti virus the renewal date is the back end of November, I want to purchase another license for a laptop..... obviously, buying  two separate programs would work out more than buying one for two machines.


    What is the procedure, I'm after updating one and buy another, any advice appreciated. 


    Just a 'quickie' while I'm here. Am I right in thinking I could transfer the license of the XP machine over to a Linux operating system?


    Thanks,  Dave

  6. Just keep Nod 7 rolling and I'll be happy...... I like the Nod32 signature when sending Emails, that is a must for me on my outgoing Emails, plus it's good for business by self advertising have you forgot?


    No, no don't tell me I should be using the latest version - I don't wanna hear or be knowing because it does not display the 'checked by.. Nod 32 signature' so if this could be included then I'll be happy to update... but alas not only has the browser war gone crazy the operating system has too.


    Sooo, I'm happy and no complaints yet. ESET you doing a great job, nice and clean, no slow down, no BSOD's and certainly no pop-up ads like the other rogue of an AV I had.... and that was a paid version!


    So I'll keep nodding all the way..... until?



  7. Hi, when people buy computers they usually come either bundled or with free trial software. Would this laptop have an anti virus installed by any chance?


    If so this may well be the problem because you should only be running one anti virus at anytime.... no matter brand, no matter make, this includes ESET too because there is always a chance of conflicts, not only will it cause conflicts it may even cause 'hogging' and slowdowns as well as BSOD's.


    Should this be the case then I would be uninstalling the one you don't want, it is imperative it is uninstalled correctly, this usually means using their removal tool, using add remove programs is not always the answer and can lead to problems due to incomplete removal...... one AV I had before coming to NOD32 left a load of files even after using their removal tool.


    There is also another important thing you must do before attempting to remove ANY anti virus program and that is to disable it's 'self protection module', this is usually done in the GUI.


    Don't overlook the fact thats things do happen during downloads that could quite easily corrupt the down load itself, the corruption could be cause by anything,  anything external to your internet connection even.


    So, do check and see if any other anti virus is installed would be the first thing 'I' myself would do.



  8. Why are so many security products filled with bugs and released to the public?


    I often wondered this myself with the last AV I had, kindly note 'with the last AV I had', meaning Nod32 excluded here. I stopped and thought why  and came up with the conclusion the beta testers might not have the same machine, set up and working conditions as your machine or mine, many a thing come into play here just waiting and eager to cause a conflict.


    There are AV vendors, vendors and vendors, I came from a AV that offered pop-ups after pop-ups and installations of un requested software just to push their product..... and there were BSOD's after BOSD's due to driver files, there were complaints of slow downs after slow down, not surprising with all the rubbish they were pushing.


    So, what was the beta tester's doing? To me it appeared they were doing 'sweet sod all', pardon the expression. I reckon their customers was doing the beta testing, I was a customer once.


    NOD32 is a breath of fresh air, never once I have had any problems, it slapped my hands a time or two stopping me going to dodgy web sites..... and NOD32 ain't free, I've heard complaints about that not being free on other forums, nothing comes free ever  - there is always a reason, that reason may not be obvious.


    No slow downs, no pop ups, no adverts and certainly no BSOD's.... that's how an AV should be isn't it? When it come's to handing 'freebies' out that's when I start to ask why, whats the catch?



  9. I take no notice of AV Comparatives... I wanna be knowing how they make their money, folks just don't do now't for now't these days.


    Good bad or indifferent what anyone say's..... try it, see for yourself is the way to go. If it was that bad dy'a think we'd all be using it? I certainly wouldn't, if that was the case ESET wouldn't last two minutes - yes I have a gripe with NOD32 but doesn't affect it's performance? I've never caught anything nasty no matter what AV Comparatives say,  NOD32 slapped my hands once or twice stopping me going to 'dodgy' sites.... I can take the drive out  and do a scan on a different computer with another AV and it comes up clean.


    At least, you don't get pop-ups after pop-ups with NOD32 like you do with one renowned AV free or paid....  and many others for that matter.


    One thing is  often overlooked is many AV testers use different methods of testing.... what would be the point if they ALL used the same method? They're in the job to make money not waste it.



  10. One question has NOD32 ever let any viruses through?

    I can honestly say NO, another could be has NOD32 ever let me visit a malicious site without a 'slap on the hands' I can also honestly say NO to that also.... so I don't bother with what these testing sites say.


    I am intrigued however, on how they make their money..... where do they get it from? What is often not considered is the testing method used, many a different  'tester site'  will even give AV comparative top leaders differing results.


    Wonder have you seen this about AV comparatives?  Pretty sure I mentioned it a while back.



    I don't pay much attention to any of them myself, you can always do a 'on-line scan' or if you are that concerned try another AV on a spare drive but you must have facilities for 'cloning' - always keep a working drive working.


    DO NOTE:  It is not recommended two have two AV's running at the same time as you are sure to get problems.




  11. @rugk


    You did read my other post!

    Why can you NOT append any messages on Thunderbird using v8 - it works very well on v7 but not v8?


    For the very last time rugk, there is NO Thunderbird on the integration list, have YOU not noticed, I am sure you must have? I am not on about Email scanning or protection in any shape, way or form NOR have I mentioned such - this 'I' understand it does do.


    Not  being able to append Nod32 v8 signature with is the problem, it works mighty fine with v7 on but not v8, I am sorry I can not be any clearer!


    We are going round in circles here and getting nowhere, can we not do better? My intentions are to stick with v7 on Sp2, this has served me very well over the years and will continue to use until either my license or v7 expires, that was until this v8 update update materialized.


    Appending messaging on Emails IS one of MY requirements, if I had known I would certainly never had updated... and 'now becoming doubtful' if I would have renewed my license for v7 beforehand!



  12. @rugk


    I did say,  I have the settings on the Sp2  installation exactly like the one on the Sp3 installation and using the same Thunderbird version...... in Nod32 v 8 Thunderbird is NOT listed in the Email client integration list.


    Do you really think I would have even updated Nod32 to v8 if I had known about this? AND I have just renewed my license prior to this update, I do up v7 will see my license out.


    I have NO intentions of faking Nod32 signature! That is a cheapskate trick and does not solve the problem.



  13. It seems that Nod32 is the problem..... there is no Firefox option.


    First. I upgraded to v8 which was a failure because I run XP Pro 32bit  with Sp2, no mention of  this in the requirement - it just said XP! Then, I had to go back to v7.


    Second. I played about with XP Pro 32 bit and Sp3 installing NOD32 v8, on a spare hard drive.  I struggled and struggled thinking it was my browser when in fact NOD32 IS to blame for not showing the integration button in Thunderbird and not being able to Append messages on outgoing Email.


    I am now switching back to v7 and Sp2...... when v7 runs dry so will my account! I do trust v7 is OK for another year as I have just renewed my license.


    Why has NOD32 done away with Thunderbird? I am Not very happy at the moment!



  14. Thank you for the first link... that is very helpful and looks as though it explains all, I'll get back with the results.


    I know about being able to edit, just that I don't like to edit things after someone has replied to a post, think the time has come to build an updated 'pewter' with a updated o/s, you can bet NOD32 will be on!.  Thanks again, Dave

  15. Oooops my bad rugk, sorry.... I meant Nod32 (that one irritated me too, down to the bone I will add).


    I use PO3 and SMTP,  Nod 32 'Append signature' works fine on my XP Sp2 set up which I just updated license for but not on the Sp3 version with a trial licence,  I use Thunderbird the same program version on both.   I noticed that NOD32  scan button wasn't displayed in the SP3 set up as it is on the Sp2 installation. Think I'll try a repair install, more probably my Email program is a wee bit antiquated since updating to Sp3, other than that all seems to be working just as fine.


    I too wasn't clear about version 8 running on a Xp 32bit Sp2 system, if the information was more definite then I may not needed to post, I did look in the requirements, or at least tried to.


    Dare I suggest links for the downloads and info somewhere on the Forum, it seemed I had to go all over the place to get v8?


    Thanks for your time, regards Dave.

  16. XP pro 32bit Sp3 Nod32 v8 AV (Trial Version):


    With Nod32 v7 and my  XP Sp2 installation I could Append 'Checked by Nod32'... I can not get it to work Emails with the new installation, I have the Email  boxes configured the same way.


    Would this be any way to do with the Trial version, a bug or some other config. setting?




  17. Solved:


    Sorry for the delay.  I've installed XP Sp3 32 bit and a trial version of Nod32  v8 AV to see how things go on a spare drive... and all seems to be up and running.


    I just a day or two ago renewed my license for V7! My problem was that v8 would not run on Sp2, it needed Sp3. I take it I can just swap the license over to the new install after a few day's trial once I know everything is OK. - I did a complete re-install of the operating system not that I needed.... took best part of a day to get all my files back.


    Thanks again.



  18. @rugk.....   I will say again, Nod32 gave the impression I was infected with Necurs a scan with TDSS Killer  came up clean, then I said I searched the hidden files in Plug and Play (Device Manager) that came up clean.


    I didn't run the uninstaller.... maybe that was the problem, I did searched the registry and folders for any 'leftovers' but may not have done a good job - my bad if I didn't.


    Got some PCB Cad work going, will have another 'bash' asap and get back.... so I can take it V8 will run XP Sp2. Thanks for link which I will refer to.  It would be nice to have these links incl. the installer somewhere on the forum, seems I can never find them.


    Let you know how I do, regards.




    PS: I do have Sp3 on a CD.

  19. SweX, you are now confusing me, from Arakasi post I assume he would not have me doing a reinstall if I needed SP3 which he made no mention off, this leaves me no wiser!


    I thought I gave the impression that I was trying to avoid installing Sp3.


    As said, I uninstalled via Add Remove programs, it left 'leftover' files and registry entries, when time permits I will try again, I also intended to try a 'over the top' install.... I did not use the uninstall tool.


    During the attempted installation I got a request to do a Necurs scan, the scan would not run - this worried me! I did a scan with TDSS killer and found nothing, so I manually search in the hidden files in Plug and Play again nothing, so I re-cloned and left it at that because time was short.


    I will try again shortly, thank you for the replies, I will get back with the results.



  20. I uninstalled NOD32 AV, downloaded the live installer..... when installing I get error, can not install and for me to run the Necurs cleaning tool..... that will not run!


    So I can not run V8, would XP with Sp2 have anything to do?



  21. It's dumb to use the same password more than once anywhere whether ESET or not. I came here from Avast and glad that I did with their sly installations of unwanted products, even on updates where there are no 'option boxes' to tick, which is often concealed or displayed in a flash  you just didn't see it, not to mention unwanted toolbars. I could see all this coming so I left when they started their 'try this er that pop-ups',


    Just to say, I hope NOD32 stays free from bloatware, pop ups and adverts, the only time I know NOD32 is running is when it updates.....  or when I get a 'slap on the hands' by visiting a dodgy website, stay that way ESET and I'll be a happy customer.



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