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Posts posted by Pentode

  1. That's where I looked before  nothing - completely empty nor could I see them anywhere even with hidden files exposed....! There was some there the last time I looked I'm pretty sure, don't ask me which ones though, I've been snookered here.



  2. 16 hours ago, itman said:

    Err ............... Did you download the updates from the Win Update Catalog web site links I posted previously? Did you try to install those?

    Note: I updated the links to the HTTPS Win Update Catalog web site. Strange that the Microsoft articles where the links are posted redirect to the HTTP site.

    I'm pretty sure I did, I seem to think I went back to get the other file and it took three attempts as the site wouldn't open. Before even thinking of running ANY file I do right click them and let Nod32 do a scan first, they came up clean.

    I doubled clicked them and also right clicked them and clicked 'Open with installer, I tried them starting with KB4490628 then KB4474419, just to be sure I reversed the order, in both cases I got update not applicable. 

    I'm gonna try Marcos idea of un installing using Eset tool in safe mode and then updating to the new version.... somehow I can't see that working -  sorry to Marcos for the delay in trying this, just that I never mess with a working drive. My license expires 26/12 so I've got a little time to play.



  3. I'm stumped...! I was pretty sure it looked like a MS website, I did scan them before opening. It appears THEY COULD NEVER be from MS, I do have them here if you want to check them, these sited ought be removed.

    As I can see it Win 7 is pretty much useless  without them or changing an AV that  'still' works.... wonder why Eset are still providing the links?

    I've still not tried Marcos suggestion of removing it in safe mode yet, sure will try though.

    At this point of time it's pretty pointless me renewing the license, as I see it there must be some update that's missing, should I sort it I'll get back, thanks to you and Marcos for trying.



  4. Thank you all for the great patience.

    Before I do a complete removal and re-install as Marcos suggested, could I question how you install the KB stand alone installers, do you click em' or place them on the C drive? I've been clicking them.

    It looks as if I don't have the cumulative updates, is there a place I can get them?  I'm using a cloned drive, and to prove the update path is working I installed KB449915 (a .exe file) and it installed with ease and shows in the update list, so this proves update path is working.





  5. I did have a quick look for the update files, I've either not got them, been corrupted or missing.... or not looking in the right place.

    I'll try Marcos suggestion of installing again, the last time all I got was unable to install because I needed the two files... I never thought of looking at log files, been at it all day here, I'll try again tomorrow.




  6. The files I have, KB4490628, KB447441 and  KB4490628. I had no problems with downloading from MS catalogue earlier except on one occasion, I can't get any of them to install I get 'update not applicable' error. 

    I just tried MS again and is down again as you say.


  7. Hi Marcos, Sorry I can't recall the exact wording, that was after I removed Nod32 as instructed, something like unable to install.

    @ itman... sorry to say I've tried,  KB4490628, just had a nasty thought - I didn't reboot...! I'll leave it a short while now and then I'll try KB4490628 AND reboot.... then install the two others. Thanks, I'll get back here after.

    I assume I just download, click n' run and reboot.


  8. Thanks for getting back much appreciated. Sorry to say I've tried both links and their suggestion's and no joy. I do query though-:

    The second link says open reg Edit (ran as admin.) went to Local machine code, selected file and loaded 'Hive', then go to system 32 config.... BUT it asked for no file, nor is there a component file in there?

    Win 10, no thanks, since Eset served has me well so I won't give up without a fight.... but I ain't paying for somethings that don't work, when it runs out, it comes off sadly, I certainly be willing to try other things.



    BTW, I don't dual boot and only have Win 7 pro AND I forgot to mention I did disable Nod32 before trying the above.

  9. Time to say goodbye to Nod32. It won't let me update to the new version, when my license expires so will the payment, there are other Anti Viruses programmes that cater for Win 7 for another 2 years at least - so why can't Nod... are they pushing things they don't want us to know about?

    Running Win 7 and Sp1 and still can't install, WHY isn't there clear EXACT instructions - I'm having a hard time in trying to install them so I have given up.


    ....and if MS thinks they'er pushing Win 10 on me THEY ARE TOTALLY WRONG.


  10. Thanks Marcos, I've a feeling it was just one of those things, just that I never thought to reboot before posting. I was about to look in the update log when I hit on the idea of rebooting.... may be I did something as it was updating.

    Other than that the AV is 'sound as a pound'.... the only time I notice the AV is if I happen to click a 'dodgy' site or the updating pop up.

    I'll root this post out should I need to get back and post the results.  Thanks for the post and advice.  Cheers, Dave

  11. Just started to happen, I'm getting as pop up-:

    Module update failed. Error occurred when applying differential update to base file.  It seemed to disappear on a computer restart but occurred again. Running Win 7 Pro x64bit. Any help please?

    Thanks, Dave



  12. Wow, thanks itman that saves me a lot of messing around, as I understand no matter what I do I'd be landing back on square one, thanks to other contributors too.

    I would have had no idea since I couldn't get to see the certificate.... at least I don't think I could, so this means I'll have to 'stick it' or review some other browser. 



  13. Thank you Marcos and itman, I'm using Firefox 46.0.1. Yes it's the same on Internet Explorer, also same on a Acer laptop again using Nod32 with Win 7 32bit starter pack.

    I did try switching Protocol filtering that made no difference, the site was working prior to updating the program I'm pretty sure of that..... maybe I'll clone a drive then try it without Nod32 and then to a re-install.

    Be glad if you could confirm disabling Nod that it doesn't leave anything running like filtering and so on. Thought it strange because all any other pages seem pretty responsive loading. Clicking the cache triangle that opens Ok, but that's only Google as I understand.

    Should I manage solve it I'll post back, thanks for trying.




  14. When going to Wires UK the site doesn't load, I get 'Protocol filtering error' asking me to import Root Certificate, this is only on a couple of sites otherwise everything else is fine, just these two particular sites. The actual address bar does not show the target address, just the Google link.

    I've tried two operating systems, Win 7  x64bit  and XP x32bit, both have latest Nod 32 AV installed. I've also tried the usual tricks disabling SSL, enabling  and rebooting etc. as shown on Nod 32 help pages.... makes no difference, also tried adding an exception rule. If I disable Nod32 these two will still not load, I forgot what the 2nd site was but wasn't really important.

    For some strange reason I don't get the error message any more, on XP 32bit the page is just blank with about:config in the address bar. When I get time I'll make a clone and remove NOD32 to see if that helps.... the site had used to work before NOD32 was updated.

    Be grateful if anyone could throw some light on this problem.



  15. Marcus.... I'm a complete idiot

    Yes, I can append virus signature with Thunderbird on ESET 2018 Anti Virus..... and yes it works just like V7, just that I hadn't configured set up like v7.

    So what I done was to download the installers for V9  as you mentioned  (I noted the EOL was Dec. 19 - just in case. Since 2018 is working I'll give it a good try.

    Sorry about any inconvenience, I'm on the happy side again.



  16. Thank you Marcos, when I get time I'll pop in a hard drive and have a play with V9.... something at the back of my mind tells me v9 won't let me add virus signatures with Thunderbird, otherwise I would have used it long ago,  I seem to think it was  with  8 and something Mozilla did and not ESET, pretty sure 'we' had a discussion about this at the time.

    Sounds like I'm being awkward I know, just that I want something that works my way and right now 2018 ain't it.


  17. At present I'm back on Nod32  AV v7, I just tried Nod32 2018 and don't like it one bit.

    I don't like the GUI, no Email virus signatures in Thunderbird, slows opening files and slow loading web pages. YES, I know v7 is OUL so please don't remind me...! At, least V7 works just fine for me at present on Win 7 pro 64 bit and XP pro 32 bit, as you can see I have it on two computers.

    So what to do? Sorry to say I'm evaluating other brands right now, once v7 refuses to work I'll be off.

    Also what 'narked' me was when I installed 2018..... it promoted me to automatic payment which I didn't like one bit and I couldn't alter it - old Avast tricks!


    Not pleased one bit.  Dave

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