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One ESET Customer - Multiple 365 domains on ECOS

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TLDR: Can I link multiple 365 tenants to a single ESET Protect Complete customer?

I have a customer that's a single Protect Complete customer, but has multiple 365 tenants (for reasons)

Can I keep them as a single ESET customer, but link their multiple 365 tenants to that one ESET customer?

Or am I best to split their ESET licence into the various 365 tenant companies?

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  • ESET Staff
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Hi @damtechmatt, you can add as many MS365 tenants as you like, but the one thing to watch out for in your case is just the license usage to make sure you have sufficient quantity of licenses to cover all users you want to protect.

Also, you can only protect users of a single tenant from license pools of one site. It is not possible to protect one tenant by combination of two or more license pools from two or more sites. But if you only have one site with one license pool, you can protect multiple MS365 tenants no problem :)

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Thank you.

Gave it a go this morning and yes, working great! One ESET Customer with all the ECOS licences. Three 365 tenants, sharing that licence bundle. Working great!


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