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Me han burlado el antivirus (My antivirus has been fooled)


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Hola a todos: Necesito ayuda porque tengo una hacker que se ha empecinado en utilizar mi computadora para sus cosas. Yo formateé toda mi compu e instalé el Nod 32 pero no se actualiza porque la hacker detiene el acceso del antivirus a la internet. Es decir, yo tengo internet en mi compu pero el antivirus no la detecta y por lo tanto no puede actualizar y proteger mi compu. Estoy así hace 4 días y no se me ocurre que hacer.

Dice: Error de actualización de los módulos. No se puede acceder a los servidores de actualización de ESET. Error general del compilador. 

Si alguien tiene una idea se la súper agradezco! Saludos


Machine translation:

I need help because I have a hacker who has insisted on using my computer for her things. I formatted all my computer and installed Nod 32 but it doesn't update because the hacker stops the antivirus from accessing the internet. That is, I have internet on my computer but the antivirus does not detect it and therefore cannot update and protect my computer. I've been like this for 4 days and I can't think of what to do.

She says: Modules update failed. Unable to access ESET update servers. General compiler error.

If anyone has an idea, I'd really appreciate it! Greetings


Edited by Marcos
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  • Marcos changed the title to Me han burlado el antivirus (My antivirus has been fooled)
  • Administrators

First of all, we kindly ask you to post in English since this is an English forum.

The problem is unlikely to be caused by a hacker. Hackers typically target institutions with the motivation to get financial profit in the end.

To start off, carry on as follows:
- enable advanced logging under Help and support -> Technical support
- run update
- disable logging
- collect logs with ESET Log Collector and provide the generated archive.

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