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After renewing APN zert, iOS dev not connecting

Go to solution Solved by FrankM,

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I' ve renewed an expiering APN certificate.

I created a policy with the new cert an assigned the new policy beside the old one to the MDM.

Now the iOS clients not connecting to the MDM(which isn't really true, because the do, but the GUI says, the not...)


What have I to do, that the iPhones accept the new APN cert?


Thanks for help



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  • ESET Staff


Please contact local customer care, without actual logs we can't tell.

One mistakes customers make relatively frequently is using new APNS certificate (which isn't prohibited by MDM) instead of renewed one which will break connectivity. Phones don't need renewed APNS certificate only MDM needs it (and with correct one connectivity is immediately restored). In case of a new APNS certificate iOS devices have to be reenrolled instead.



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