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Can't format Mac external drive in APFS - Eset issue?

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Hi, I am erasing external hard disks for reuse with my Mac and want to format them in APFS (Apple File System - the preferred file system for Macs running High Sierra and later) but when Erasing the drive and using APFS as the format the process fails while trying to unmount the drive.

The error message from the erasing process reads:

"Mounting disk
Creating a new empty APFS Container
Unmounting Volumes
The volume [hard disk volume name] on [diskid] couldn't be unmounted because it is in use by process 316 (esets_daemon). Couldn't unmount disk. : (-69888) Operation failed....

But if I erase the drive using Mac OS Extended (journaled) for the format the process works fine.

What do I need to do to erase an external drive and format it using APFS?


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