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Installation failed

Raphael Costa

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Good afternoon,

I have the ERA in my network and I do not own AD. I have a machine that works as a server where have the install.msi file that is already configured with the firewall disabled, network discovery, no password protection, users (network, all) with full permission in the file.

Through the ERA, I am trying to install this file on all the machines of my network in the task of Operating System - Software Installation - command: file: // \\ server \ share \ install.msi only that there is always the boost error: filesystem :: status: (0x5), Access Denied: "\\ server \ share \ install.msi"

Can you help me please?

I'm waiting and thank you !!!

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  • ESET Staff

Installation task is executed in context of AGENT, which is running under LOCAL_SYSTEM user. This means that installers on your share has to be accessible for this user.

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