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Safetica: copy taged files zip file

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Dear forum members.

We are currently testing ESET Safetica ( with a trail version. Our main purpose with Safetica is to prevent a data leak against a possible malicious employee.
I have successfully set up:

- a data category with a path rule (tagging mode) to a test folder. 
- a DATA security policy. 

Everything is working as intended, I can only copy files to the network and local storage.

Here is our problem:
I created a .zip file on the local storage and put a tagged file from the test folder into the zip file.
Now I can still copy the zip (with the tagged file in it) to an USB stick for example. It should be blocked.


Does anyone have a solution to prevent this?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Christiaens
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  • ESET Support

Hi @Christiaens,
my name's Jan and I work at Safetica.

I'm happy to hear that you are giving Safetica a trial run and that your security policy works as intended.

Our QA team has just tested the described use case and the restriction works in our testing environment. That said, there there are several things that might have gone wrong on your end.

Could you please specify your system, the archiving application and what level of integration you're using (you can find this under Maintenance -> Integration settings).

Thanks in advance.

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Hi JanL,

Thanks for the response.

On 28-6-2018 at 3:13 PM, JanL said:

That said, there there are several things that might have gone wrong on your end.

I am pretty sure that is the case. Since it is quite complicated to setup.

The integration mode is set to compatible:


Edited by Christiaens
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  • ESET Support

Compatible integration mode should suffice, can you please specify your system and the archiving application used?

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Hi JanL,

I just did some testing again and now it is working. I am 100% sure that it didn't work before.

I have a feeling that it is related to the time till a policy / setting has been implemented. Can that be the case?



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  • ESET Support

Well, I'm glad to hear that!

Policies can take several minutes to propagate, depending on connectivity and server load.

In case you are testing policies and playing with various settings, I recommend you turn on Active Management on the testing machine, which will enforce faster sync with the Safetica Management Server:


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  • Christiaens changed the title to Safetica: copy taged files zip file

I have another issue: 

I can't copy a tagged file to an USB stick (as intented). But I can drag the secure file into a .zip (default made by Windows 10, no 3rd party software).
There is nothing changed in the settings in the meantime.

Here a short video: https://youtu.be/ZWkFjDGjuOo (works now)



Edited by Christiaens
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  • ESET Support

Thanks for recording the video, I'll make sure to forward it to our QA team, however, I'd like to ask you to contact support@safetica.com and report this issue to my colleagues, so that we can collect all required data and replicate the problem on our end. Thanks in advance!

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