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Help! MAC Crashes with latest version of eset

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Please let us know if uninstalling ECS in safe mode and installing the latest version from scratch makes a difference.

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Dear All.

In case we have a problem with ESET on Mac then perhaps we need to find what is the cause root of the problem. i am sure that Devs will read this post and do the need-full on the next update regarding the Edition ESET CYBER SECURITY PRO for MAC on the latest Product Version 6.5.600.5 which i use.

What i faced on my (2 months) Brand New  Macbook Pro is the following.    (Date of buying my Machine 20th of January 2018).

1) Freezes of any kind of safari or even Chrome OR EVEN FACEBOOK.

2) Delays on Shut Down with circles keep spinning under black screen.

3) Denial of ESET on start up and with no presence at the dock with more than 75% of boots absent. 

4) 17 formats on my Mac to understand what is happening.(and don't tell me why i did not backup because obviously the back up should give same results to format again)

5) Contact with Apple in California. What they said to me was "kill the Eset app" after sending them photos with ESET process all RED.After killing ESET all my next apps also RED ONE BY ONE and in a Chain. (photos available)

Hard reboots all the time>.

(i did not tell them in any way that ESET is running on 32bit)

6) Contact with MIcrosoft since i activated Office for MAC 17 times and my license key was off.They told me to re activate with Remote Access which i refused.There are more convenient solutions.

What i did and now everything is ok without problem with my ESET CYBER SECURITY PRO IS THE FOLLOWING AND AS PER BELOW.

 1) delete all the rules mentioned as schedule and on default. Create 3 new ones. Ps: never let rule to search prior user login eset will never start in dock.Still can  do the job while in operation and with new rule.

2) lock eset in dock with system preferences - users & groups- login items.( click on plus icon to include eset as login item).

3) when on shut down wait until the timer will give -54 seconds.Never shut down and confirm the dialog box at the same time.You will not see eset "Docking"On next start up.

If you see eset move just millimeters on dock while shutting down then you will see eset again on reboot.

4) always quit all apps and for eset open and close one time prior shut down.


5) wait for the 64bit edition


Ps1: its not faulty mac and its not faulty eset.Its the proper understanding how can these 2 do the job until the 64bit edition.

 Ps2:if  I will format my macbook  one more time with future eset 64bit edition then this antivirus will stay out of my macbook pro .

All of the above is for my machine to work properly and is not a recommendation for any other machine.

Dear all use the informations wisely and only for your reference.

Best regards.


Edited by Marcos
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