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Il miglior software antivirus antivirus (The best antivirus antivirus software)

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Ciao a tutti sono molto preoccupato per la sicurezza e vorrei sapere se secondo voi è necessario un antivirus per windows.Se si quale? E qual è il miglior software antivirus che mi possa essere raccomandato.

Grazie mille

Machine translation
I'm very worried about security and I would like to know if you think you need an antivirus for windows. And what is the best antivirus software that can be recommended.

Edited by Marcos
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First of all, please post in English so that moderators and other users understand you and could help.

Unsurprisingly asking about the best AV in an ESET official forum won't yield other answers than ESET. Honestly, with ESET's products you won't make a mistake and I'm not saying that just because I'm an ESET moderator. I recommend reading this page for information about genuine technologies that ESET uses to protect you from emerging threats: https://www.eset.com/int/about/technology/.

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