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This is now poppimg up repeatedly. The DNS address given in the warning is simply that of my router. No new computers or any other peripherals have been added.


What does it mean and what do I do?

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Just to clarify. My concern was that although there has been absolutely no change to my network since Smart Security was installed, it obviously thinks there has been some change to it. I've allowed this alleged new connection, but I'm still a bit uneasy about it since I don't know what it is. I hope I've done the right thing.

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Hello johngie


The message" New network detected" is often, or can be provoked, e.g. if a router is restarted. Then there will often be a small changed in the subnet, but you will still see the same DNS value. . A possible solution can be this suggestion from Eset in the end of this article. New network connection detected in ESET Endpoint Security or ESET Smart Security (From what you have wrote, then everything sound okay, quite normal.)

Regards, Janus

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Thank you Janus, as ever helpful!!


I suppose the router could have very briefly dropped the connection, although neither I, nor she whom it is prudent to obey :), actually noticed it.



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When you first connect to a network and choose Home network (ie. a network with sharing and some other services enabled), an authenticated zone will be generated automatically based on certain network parameters (e.g. DHCP or DNS server IP, gateway's IP, SSID,etc). If this parameter changes and the zone cannot be authenticated, you'll be presented the dialog with network type selection.

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Hi folks,


Not sure whether this is related, but just returned home, turned on laptop and got:


Identical IP address detected


and this in the Firwall log:


24/09/2013 18:58:19    Identical IP addresses detected in network    ARP         


Two other computers in network presently hibernated;


Two network printers attached - one via Ethernet and the other via Wireless; latter is shown as offline (although printer is on). The first of the two addresses above is the wireless printer; the second (target IP shows unable to connect.


Just had another identical warning following reboot. And again!


Where do I go from here? Not much help in Help!


I'm not a "nerd" - I just want the best protection and, frankly, some of these error messages are over my head. I'm beginning to regret staying with ESET :(

Edited by johngie
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Just to add:


I've just looked at the router status and the ethernet port light for one of the two hibernating computers was off. I resumed that computer (and the IP conflict warning then came up on that one too). I then turned that PC off; the port light now remained on. 


Then I rebooted the laptop on which the problem first manifested itself and, so far, no more warnings. And the wireless printer is back too! :D


I can't explain this - maybe someone more expert than me can!





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johngie, i recommend going through your network adapters and make sure they are set to obtain an IP automatically from your DHCP server which is your router.

If you have static IP's setup, and the adapters may have the same IP requested as a lease, your going to get a warning like you suggested.

However if you have dhcp setup on your router and auto obtain on your adapters, your router should manage the fact that 1 IP is already assigned to Computer A, and will not assign the same IP to computer B or Printer A , Printer B.


I would run a good "ipconfig /flushdns" from command prompt on your computer terminals, just incase they have an old subnet or ip configured in the cache from old settings or old router.


Did you install a new router recently ?



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Thanks Arakasi.


I'll work through your advice. However since waking up the hibernated computer the problem has not arisen since.


Nothing in the network has been changed recently (certainly not since Smart Security has been installed) and the router has not been switched off at any time. (It, and the desktop computer in the network, are fed from a UPS).


I've had NOD32 for more years than I can remember - for all I know this may have been happening before but without warnings. It might well explain why, occasionally, the wireless printer referred to above failed to come online through the network.


Thanks all for patience and help :)

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Yep, no two devices can have the same IP

So if your Computer A had

Printer A will not join the network if the printer is setup to static IP of , it will hang.

You can force Printer and Computer to only use , and only 1 device will join the network.



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The culprit seems to have been my Samsung Android phone, that the router for some reason had allocated to the same IP address as one of our two network printers. All credit to Smart Security for finding a problem that I was not aware of.


All three computers on the network had their IP set to automatic as above.


I've rebooted everything, router included. So far, so good - I hope it stays like that!





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