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About IgorB

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  1. Support solved the problem, thanks.
  2. I have ESET Protect and Inspect configured on almost 300 pc/server. When installing a new PC, using same install package, random PC appear in ESET consolle with Inspect not active: "Product not activated". I tried different solutions, moving, reinstalling, activating with no success. In the log I find this: Info: EndpointClient::send. Request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><ESET><MESSAGE VERSION="1"><REQUEST PLUGIN="1000004" EICMDID="c" VALUE="00"></REQUEST></MESSAGE></ESET>. Reply: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><ESET STATUS="5529" /> 016d8 Error: License check failed. License no longer active. Request to ESET Endpoint Security/Antivirus failed. Error PERSEUS_E_EI_NO_LICENSE (21801) This should not be the case (we still have free licenses in our package), but Inspect refuses to activate. Other working PC has the same control (same network, same firewall) that is successful: Info: EndpointClient::send. Request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><ESET><MESSAGE VERSION="1"><REQUEST PLUGIN="1000004" EICMDID="c" VALUE="00"></REQUEST></MESSAGE></ESET>. Reply: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><ESET STATUS="0"> <LICENSE STATUS="0" DAYS="2C5" SEATID="[CUT]" /></ESET> Info: LicenseStateManager: received license information status: 0, remainingDays: 709, expirationDate: 1780099199, flags: 2, publicId: XXXXXXXXX, seatId: XXXXXXX, seatName: xxx.domain.priv, type: FULL_PAID
  3. I have the same issue, updated a non critical server but I am quite sure I did it trough ESET Protect consolle cloud, not checking updates from the single server. Please can you give more advice on how to upgrade correctly via ESET protect consolle cloud? I cannot think to manually install server by server in my environment...
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