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About hnksnr

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  1. Hi there. i didn't find an open discussion on this, so i open it again. Does anyone come up with a good solution to enable FortiClient on Linux without disabling Web Acces Protection. I tryed to manage it with a policy but it does not have any effect for the gui: maybe im still missing something or is it possible that the application exclusion not working properly on Linux? if anyone has a proper exlusion list for FortiClient please provide it me. Thank you! S.
  2. Okay, thank you for your answer i will halt my updates for a little time to avoid unnecessary issues. S.
  3. Hi there! i Have an interesting issue when i try updating my components on my server. First i want to update my mysql server from 8.0.33 to 8.0.36 but it have conflicts, so i need to remove the community edition then reinstall it. If im done with it the package manager remove the unused packages whitch is the libssl1.1 and the mysql-community-client plugins. When it occurs, the eraserver can't be started cause it can't find the libmyodbc8w.so , so it can't connect to the mysql server. I tried updating the odbc driver to pair with the mysql version (the current version is 8.0.17) reinstall the libssl1.1 from dpgk but nothing changes. lastly i rollbacked my whole server to before i updated my mysql server. thats happened with the version, now im updated to without any issue but im confused if i shoud update my components or leave it as it is My guess is the eraserver still using the libssl1.1 not libssl3 Please confirm it for me it still occurs in the 11. versions or not or im missing something. The following packages have unfulfilled dependencies: mysql-common : Conflicts with: mysql-client-8.0 but only 8.0.36-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 can be installed Conflicts with: mysql-client-core-8.0 but only 8.0.36-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 can be installed mysql-server : Depends on: mysql-community-server (= 8.0.33-1ubuntu20.04) but it is not marked for installation Thank you. S.
  4. In my case i think i found the problem. In Centos7 there is no tomcat release after 7x version and the web console need 9x to work as i see there: https://help.eset.com/protect_install/10.0/en-US/upgrade_procedures.html?supported_versions_of_apache_tomcat.html I didin't try to update my tomcat to 9x (not some magic, but you need to do sbs manually), instead we will migrate it to Ubuntu 20.04. This will solve the problem i hope.
  5. i got same problem after update, but not the same error. Tried some recovery, but last i rolled back instead. Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: INFO: [Administrator] User sends gql request: kENTERPRISEINSPECTORALERT_EVENTREPORT (***.***.**.** ) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: Nov 11, 2022 6:06:54 PM sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.logger.LoggerWithPrefix info Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: INFO: [] Dependency call [GenerateReportRequest] exceeded duration [5,000 ms] - actual duration: [112,353 ms] Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: Nov 11, 2022 6:06:54 PM sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.logger.LoggerWithPrefix error Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: SEVERE: [Administrator] Call failed on server. Reason: 'Request aborted (reports module)' Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: Nov 11, 2022 6:06:54 PM sk.eset.phoenix.common.graphql.executionstrategy.GqlExecutionStrategyProvider lambda$new$1 Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: WARNING: EraRequestHandlingException: sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.connection.rpc.RpcException: Request aborted (reports module) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.common.model.exceptions.EraRequestHandlingException: Request aborted (reports module) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.Requests.onRpcExceptionNoPending(Requests.java:67) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.Requests.onRpcException(Requests.java:57) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.Requests.sendPendingRequest(Requests.java:200) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.reports.ReportsModuleImpl.generateReportPendingInternal(ReportsModuleImpl.java:182) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.reports.ReportsModuleImpl.generateReportPending(ReportsModuleImpl.java:175) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.reports.ReportGenerator.generate(ReportGenerator.java:46) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.reports.GqlWrapperReportResolver.resolve(GqlWrapperReportResolver.java:52) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.reports.GqlWrapperReportResolver.resolve(GqlWrapperReportResolver.java:42) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.reports.GqlWrapperReportResolver.resolve(GqlWrapperReportResolver.java:26) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.graphql.GqlApiQuery$1.lambda$resolve$0(GqlApiQuery.java:136) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g3webserver.graphql.QueryContext.lambda$executeAsync$0(QueryContext.java:71) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$AsyncSupply.run(CompletableFuture.java:1604) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:750) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: Caused by: sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.connection.rpc.RpcException: Request aborted (reports module) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.connection.rpc.RpcCallRequest.untypedSendTo(RpcCallRequest.java:118) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.connection.rpc.RpcCallRequestExt.sendTo(RpcCallRequestExt.java:28) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.rpcCalls.RpcCallsProdModule.sendPending(RpcCallsProdModule.java:31) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: at sk.eset.era.g2webconsole.server.modules.Requests.sendPendingRequest(Requests.java:172) Nov 11 18:06:54 eset-ra server: ... 12 more
  6. Ahoy! i Forgot to post int this topic, i contacted with the support, they addressed the problem, sent me a hotfix to this problem, then said the next Security release will fix it. @Marcos Shoud i share the hotfix in this forum?
  7. Hi Marcos! Is there any pre-versions for ubuntu 22.04 yet? i just encountered the problem, ofc in the Protect repository 9.0.5 the latest. i Understand the supported version come sept-oct. I'm just curious if there's anything new.
  8. Hi Marcos! i contacted the technical support with this case and sent them the logs. I don't want to share my logs in the forum. Should i mark as a solution your previous comment? S.
  9. Hi Marcos! As "Open a support ticket" you mean contact the regional distributor ?
  10. Hi there! we have a several users who using gpgOL to secure mails between themselves for several reasons. It worked fine with the oldest 9.0.2046.0 version, but in the 9.1.2051 and 9.1.2057 version the E-mail client protection interferes with its operation, the plugin can't sense from a mail it's encrypted or not so you cannot open the encrypted mail. The workaround is to disable "E-mail client protection by plugin", but i'm not satisfied with it. I read several problems with antispam does it connected to this issue? There are no change to this section in the release notes, so we can hope a fix for this? Thanks in advance S.
  11. Thank you Marcos! it would be a useful feature later if we could set this on the Protect server as well.
  12. Hi there! i see in the Protect Server the Enpoint Security 9.0.2046.0 version is released. I want to use this version to test the auto update feature in 9.x with the configured policy. as i read the Help, it says " To ensure maximum update stability, automatic product updates have a delayed distribution after the global release of a new ESET security product version. In the meantime, the Web Console may report the ESET security product as outdated." What i want to know approx. how much is the delay in days and can i configure it in the or not Thanks! S.
  13. In my Distribution the 8.1.3 works fine with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS when kernel version is 5.4 or 5.8 with kernel 5.11 it's still produce /dev/shm filling, than freezes and hangs. hope it's get fixed.
  14. The 7.1.9 release is finally fixed our problem on 20.10 with 5.8X kernel
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