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    Microbe received kudos from Peter Randziak in Login failed (Unauthorized)   
    I saw this from ESET  Status portal, i will inform our client to try again - Thanks ESET
  2. Upvote
    Microbe received kudos from lukem in Computer scan completed pop > disable option?   
    Hi ESET Team, 
    Is that possible to disable > 'Notification' once the scan has been complete 
    I hope you’re well, I’m hoping you can help me with a notification I can’t track down.
    Staff are intermittently receiving a scanning complete notification since I enabled informational level notifications for the live guard notifications I wanted, I’ve checked both “Notifications > Application statuses” and “Notifications > Desktop Notifications” but I can’t find where this setting is enabled/disabled in our policies, can you point me in the right direction?
  3. Upvote
    Microbe received kudos from Peter Randziak in RE: #CASE_00729049 - Module update failed and Could not connect to server   
    Hi eornate
    I advised to the client to client to contact their internet provider, since a lot of customers who are using Telstra as internet provider are experiencing troubles with the ESET modules update. 
    This client called me and he informed me that the resolution from their internet provider is to have the replacement of new modem, when they got a new version of modem and connect to the internet the problem has been resolved
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