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Everything posted by ScottBarker

  1. Any concrete idea when this will be available to us? I hear terms like 'Soon' and 'Next Week' but, this has been an ongoing problem for almost a month.... We don't want to roll back and we really don't want to just en masse disable the anti-spam portion of ESET, because why have your product at that point? Any old AV would do, right? This seems like a terribly big miss, but no one is in a hurry to actually fix it? Certainly doesn't fill me with the warm fuzzies for ESET. Maybe it's time to look elsewhere for something better suited to my organization? This is beyond disappointing that the above is deemed an actual and acceptable response.... I can't in good conscience anymore, recommend ESET in a professional or personal scenario.
  2. So if I understand the official post for 9.0.2032.6/7 , I don't actually have to push this to my users, it should just upgrade with a reboot? This is very odd....
  3. I am having the exact same issue as Ricky Martin. Regardless of the rules I create and the ports I specify (or don't) there is no change in status, the client blocks svchost.exe every time it tries to execute a WMI Scheduled Task (a reboot for example, in this case). It's especially frustrating as it has been fairly easy to make exceptions/rules for 3rd party programs to communicate, but something so core to the function of windows seems to be blocked by default?
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