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Posts posted by Samoréen

  1. Since this is not a known issue and several iterations and diagnostics logs will be needed, it must be tracked properly as a support ticket. Please contact your local distributor and provide them with logs from ESET Log Collector. They should provide you with instructions for enabling diagnostic logging in the email plugins and then relay them to ESET's developers.




    Logs have been sent to the support since a long time. The files are waiting here hxxp://dl.free.fr/k1G33skJu since 2 months or here if that link no longer works https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55479279/eav_logs.zip The french support told me that this was a known problem and that the developers were aware of it. Reports about this issue started almost 3 years ago. Time to really do something.


    Also, you don't need logs to reproduce this related problem : if I disable the Outlook integration to get rid of the duplicate emails, I immediately get a bunch of security warnings which I can only disable by activating Windows Live Mail integration (which doesn't make since since I don't have Windows Live Mail on my system). This problem started with version 386 I think.

  2. I have the same issue.  9.0.402 (which is only available as an update) will not install from 9.0.386. Get same error as OP.


    I have tried reinstalling ESET NOD32 to no avail.


    Any suggestion?


    Hi pbcopter,


    Please have a look at the log file and if indicates that the update failed because the installation of some drivers didn't succeed, you could try the fix that I posted here :




    This worked for me.

  3. I have noticed that duplicate emails are mostly generated when the email is submitted to a rule moving it from the Inbox to another folder. A duplicate copy remains in the Inbox after the email has been moved to the target folder. Explained another way in a previous message.

  4. Hi,


    Now there's a new bug about this feature. Yesterday, I tried to re-enable Outlook Integration and I could see that the duplicate emails bug was still there. So this morning, I decided to disable this option. ESET NOD32 immediately told me that " Email protection by client plugins [was] non-functional". I looked in the setup and could see that Email Protection had actually been disabled although the "Enable email protection by client plugins" was enabled. Totally inconsistent.


    I re-enabled Email Protection but the alert about "Email protection by client plugins is non-functional" will not go away.




    The warning will disappear if I enable Integrate into Windows Live Mail... which is not installed on my system.



  5. Did you have any issues with 9.0.386?


    Absolutely no problem.


    when v9.0.402 becomes available in about a week again.


    I don't understand : version 9.0.402 is currently available from within ESET. It re-appeared this afternoon (french time). That's why I tried again thinking it was a new fixed release. But I had again the HIPS disabled problem. I fixed it following the procedure I described in the solution I just posted.

  6. Hi,


    If you have this problem (HIPS cannot be enabled after updating to 9.0.402), here is how I fixed it :


    1. In the ESET interface, go to Tools | Logs | Events and note which drivers have not been installed (generally eamonm.sys and/or ehdrv.sys and/or epfwwfpr.sys).
    2. Reboot in safe mode.
    3. In Windows Explorer, go to C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET NOD32 Antivirus\Drivers. Open the subfolder corresponding to the driver that failed to install, right-click the corresponding .inf file and select Install. The driver installation should be acknowledged by Windows. If epfwwfpr.sys is in your list, process it as the last one since its installation requires a reboot.
    4. Restart the system. Everything should be OK.

    For me, uninstalling version 9.0.386 using the ESET uninstaller and re-installing from scratch has been a loss of time. Also, I have monitored the driver installation process using specific tools and I could see that there was no permission problems as suggested by the support. The driver installation works because ESET is not active in safe mode. So I suspect that ESET itself is the culprit. This problem is new to version 9.0.402 and this needs a fix (otherwise, I guess we'll have the same problem with future updates).

    Apparently, this is a Windows 10 specific issue. No problem observed here on Windows 7.

    This problem seems to appear when your TMP/TEMP variables point to a non default folder.

  7. Well, I installed version 9.0.402 one more time and again, eamonm.sys and ehdrv.sys could not be installed. So HIPS was disabled upon reboot.


    I booted in safe mode and again, I installed both drivers manually, which fixed the problem.


    I never had such issues when updating ESET. My configuration didn't change recently so I doubt that a permission problem is preventing these drivers to be installed properly. This bug is new to version 402.

  8. Currently 9.0.402 is available only as an in-product update, otherwise it would cause problems to users with older Live Installer as the new version uses a new signature.


    Is this new 402 different from the one I installed two days ago, that caused so many trouble to my system and was withdrawn after a while ?

  9. OK. Thanks for the details. But now that version 402 is available again, should I safely update without incurring all the problems I described in another thread ? I don't want to fully restore my system again. I'm unsure. Version 402 was released, then withdrawn, then released again without any version number change... So what ?

  10. Hi,


    I can see in the update section of ESET that version 9.0.402.0 is back as a proposed update. However, my wife's PC has been automatically updated to 9.0.402.1 (she's running Windows 7, not Windows 10 like me).


    So what ? Is version 402.0 stable again ? Why is my system not "seeing" version 402.1 as a possible update ? Because I'm running Windows 10 ? Should I keep version 386 ?


    All these incidents are bothering me. I have always trusted ESET NOD32 since many, many years. Never had so many problems within such a short period of time. It would be nice if ESET could inform us about what's going on since a few days...

  11. OK. I have fixed the installation problem for epfwwfpr by installing it manually from the command line which seems to demonstrate that I didn't have a permission problem. If I can install manually while ESET itself cannot install, the problem is elsewhere.


    However, I still cannot install the eamonm driver .

  12. Hi,


    Even after returning to version 9.0.386 after the problematic 9.0.402 update, I'm still getting the following messages in the log:


    01/09/2016 23:23:37;Personal firewall;An error occurred during installation of the epfwwfpr driver.;
    01/09/2016 23:23:36;File-system filter;An error occurred during installation of the eamonm driver.;NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM


    What does this mean ? There's no Personal Firewall in ESET NOD32 or am I that blind ? I'm not running Eset Smart Security and never installed it, even as a trial. It seems that there's some kind of mix-up here.

  13. Hi,


    Version 9.0.402 was installed this morning french time(09/01/2016). Since it cannot be downloaded from anywhere, only ESET itself could install it.


    I'm running Windows 10 build 10586. I'm not running a Windows 10 Insider Program Preview build. Yes, I had the Device Control integration enabled.


    Anyway, since I'm doing an incremental backup of my system disk every day, I had a recent image handy and I did a full restore which included version 9.0.386. All is working right now.


    I'm using ESET NOD32 since an eternity and this is the very first time that an update generates such a mess. I see that this update has been removed and now, version 9.0.386 is advertised as the latest which was not the case yesterday. So I consider that I am one of the victims of the untimely (and temporary) release of version 9.0.402. No luck.

  14. Hi,


    Version 9.0.402 was installed automatically this morning and after that, Eset NOD32 was no longer working at all. All features disabled. I tried a rollback but Eset NOD32 freezed. So I uninstalled and rebooted. My PC would then no longer boot even in safe mode. I loaded the latest restore point and could then reboot. I installed version 9.0.386 again and Eset NOD32 told me that the product was not activated. I entered my license key again and it told me that the activation was successful. Nope. When returning to the home screen, I get this : see screen capture.


    Everything broken. What should I do now ?




  15. Hi,


    I have recently created 2 service requests on the Eset Customer Care site and I have been notified that


    ...A notification about creation of a new service request has been sent to the contact email you entered into our Support Request Form...


    However, no email from Eset has been yet received at this address. Something usual or something went wrong ?



  16. I have downloaded version 9.0.386 (not 9.0.381) from the web site (strangely enough, version 9.0.402 which is supposed to be the latest is not available). ESET NOD32 was updated but the same errors as above were reported in the log. And I'm still unable to update to 9.0.402 while ESET NOD32 is alerting me that an update is available.


    Things are becoming messy, to say the least...

  17. Here are the related errors in the logs:


    31/08/2016 14:09:11;Update module;Communication with driver failed.;NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
    31/08/2016 14:07:58;Personal firewall;An error occurred during installation of the epfwwfpr driver.;
    31/08/2016 14:07:58;File-system filter;An error occurred during installation of the eamonm driver.;NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

    By the way, I'm not running ESET Smart Security but ESET NOD32. Why is the installer trying to install Personal Firewall ? ? ?

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