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Everything posted by BrianE

  1. This is the version I purchased in the end: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Eset-Security-licences-Eco-friendly-packaging/dp/B00D1PXEZO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1520634903&sr=8-1&keywords=eset&dpID=41Sk8SGbrnL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
  2. As a newcomer to ESET, I must admit that I did find the process of finding and purchasing the right product quite confusing. Looking on Amazon, ebay, etc, there are many different options such as Smart Security, Smart Security Premium, Multi Device, NOD 32, Family Security, etc and not to mention the different year numbers and number of users. In the end I went for the family security as it is good for up to 10 devices. I suppose I could also have purchased 2 x Multi Device licenses if I wanted more than 5 seats, but I wasn't sure whether that would have been more complicated to regiister and activate all my family's devices. The other thing I found a bit confusing was setting up the mobile security on my daughter's mobile, because I wasn't sure whether using one of her e-mail addresses while installing would create any problems while registering the product, but it didn't, so I'm not sure why I couldn't just have provided my own e-mail address at that stage or my eset account e-mail address. Anyway, it's all working fine now and seems to be doing a good job.
  3. I've set up parental controls on my daughter's Windows 10 laptop (as part of ESET Internet Security) and also on her Android mobile. Now while I can log in to my ESET account and view activity or amend rules for the Android version, I can't do any of that for the Internet Security version. So I was wondering, are there are plans to merge these two aspects of parental control so that parents can manage everything from one central location?
  4. I was on an all-day training event yesterday, organised by my local authority employer. It was a two-part course, the first part concerning the legalities (in the UK) that we have to comply with if we are going to be using covert surveillance, but the second part, which covered things like data collection by the likes of Google, Facebook, etc, was fascinating and troublesome at the same time. At the end of the session, most of us were shocked to discover what data is being kept on servers around the world (sometimes for many years) and how easy it is for someone with the appropriate knowledge to drill down and find out personal information about internet users, even in some cases to being able to find out where someone lives and even if said persons think they have locked down all their personal data. Facebook was singled out as being particularly poor on security. I think we live in an age where we have to be very careful what information we reveal and to whom. Young people are probably most at risk in that respect because they haven't had sufficient life experience to be wary. One thing is for sure, we all need good security programs on our computers and I'm pleased to have discovered ESET Internet Security, which has already flagged up a few things that my previous security software failed to find.
  5. I've only had ESET on my Windows 10 computer for a few days, but I did note that a scheduled scan that should have run did not. I had it set to run ASAP if missed, but I think (can't be certain) that my PC was running and I was logged on at the time. I have another scheduled scan due to run on Sunday, so it will be interesting to see if it runs then.
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