We are having some problem with agent deployment. Task will state it's "starting" or "started", but it won't change it's status. I've checked and it's installing agent properly and it's reporting to server.
On ERA console dashboard I have two views: "Server tasks executions" and "Agent deployment tasks", the task will show as "started" or "starting" in first one, but in second one there's nothing about deployment, just some old data.
Last changes to ERA server was turning off SMBv1.0 and switching to SMBv2.0, so it's possible we did something wrong.
from ERA trace.log:
After starting deployment task, only this error shows up, but I don't know if it's related, because it's happening every hour.
2018-01-09 08:21:38 Error: CRepositoryModule [Thread 7f30817ea700]: Error retrieving packages: No such product 'com.eset.apps.business.eslc.linux'
Tell me what other logs you need and where to find them.
edit: task will switch it's status "starting task failed" after long time. Agent is installed anyway.