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Everything posted by GoliatHD

  1. Hi, I use as Browser Opera, and ESET doesn't support Opera as secure browser. Maby you can Protect Opera, too .
  2. Ok I will use the "back " button in my Browser. Ty
  3. Hi, I use noScript Suite Lite and it seems that Noscript block the "back" Button. (hxxp://prntscr.com/b91b6d) It will be great, if you fix the bug.
  4. HI, Do I need to ESET installer after the installaition of ESET ?
  5. HI, Is there a changelog for the new ESET 9.0.381.1 ? Or is this update only bug fixes ?
  6. Wich Version do you use? I use ESET SS 9 and ESET says that that the File is Ok
  7. HI, What dou you mean about this code: hxxp://prntscr.com/b3vr2o? ESET didn't detected this Trojana. The code is from : https://malwr.com/analysis/ZDQ2MTJhNGNmMjZkNDFlMjk0YjNiZTI2NWExNzMwNjM/
  8. Maby you must download the newest Dirver. Or you must use Ethernet.
  9. I think "https" is avaible at ESET Smart Security and NOD 32 because ESET has the SSL certificate. hxxp://prntscr.com/b2vybz Regesrty Protection is also avaible at ESET Smart Security 9 and NOD 32 hxxp://prntscr.com/b2vzdo
  10. Hi, maby you know Locky or Petya. This are viruses that encode your whole files. I found a script what tells you wich files theoretically be encrypted. (Sorry for my bad english,but im 15 ) The script: @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set total=0 cls for %%i in (a b c d e f h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do ( set DRIVE=%%i:\ if exist !DRIVE! ( call :lookup !DRIVE! ) ) echo Total of files potentially encrypted files: %total% goto :eof :lookup set drive=%1 set subtotal=0 echo Scanning %drive% for /r %drive% %%i in (*.m4u *.m3u *.mid *.wma *.flv *.3g2 *.mkv *.3gp *.mp4 *.mov *.avi *.asf *.mpeg *.vob *.mpg *.wmv *.fla *.swf *.wav *.mp3 *.qcow2 *.vdi *.vmdk *.vmx *.gpg *.aes *.ARC *.PAQ *.tar.bz2 *.tbk *.bak *.tar *.tgz *.rar *.zip *.djv *.djvu *.svg *.bmp c*.gif *.raw *.cgm *.jpeg *.jpg *.tif *.tiff *.NEF *.psd *.cmd *.bat *.class *.jar *.java *.asp *.brd *.sch *.dch *.dip *.vbs *.asm *.pas *.cpp *.php *.ldf *.mdf *.ibd *.MYI *.MYD *.frm *.odb *png *.dbf *.mdb *.sql *.SQLITEDB *.SQLITE3 *.asc *.lay6 *.lay *.ms11 *.sldm *.sldx *.ppsm *.ppsx *.ppam *.docb *.mml *.sxm *.otg *.odg *.uop *.potx *.potm *.pptx *.pptm *.std *.sxd *.pot *.pps *.sti *.sxi *.otp *.odp *.wb2 *.123 *.wks *.wk1 *.xltx *.xltm *.xlsx *.xlsm *.xlsb *.slk *.xlw *.xlt *.xlm *.xlc *.dif *.stc *.sxc *.ots *.ods *.hwp *.602 *.dotm *.dotx *.docm *.docx *.DOT *.3dm *.max *.3ds *.xml *.txt *.CSV *.uot *.RTF *.pdf *.XLS *.PPT *.stw *.sxw *.ott *.odt *.DOC *.pem *.p12 *.csr *.crt *.key) do ( echo %%i set /a subtotal=subtotal + 1 set /a total=total + 1 ) echo Detected files: %subtotal% pause goto :eof You must write a .bat or .cmd behind your name of the Script. Then you go in CMD go to the file and write: [Filename].bat > [Filename].txt.
  11. Ok I will report that malware and it gives some people who use the script for fun... (hxxp://virenhackstrolls.weebly.com/)
  12. Only a few files in System32 are protected. If you have Administration permissions, you can delete the files.
  13. Hello, it would be great if ESET detected simple things how: @echo off del/windows/system32/Recover del/windows/system32/winlogon.exe del/windows/system32/logonul.exe This code deleted Windows and you must reinstall Windows.
  14. Thank You @dom1da and I will write in the future in English
  15. Hallo, ich finde es auf jedenfall gut, dass ESET die Möglichkeit bietet eine Meldung zu geben falls die Starteinstellungen in der Regestry umgeschrieben wurden. Leider ist es so, dass nur ein Sector überprüft wird. Leider fehlen manche. Dies sind : \HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Run, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon (Dort kann sich die Malware zu dem Explorer.exe hinzuschreiben), Außerdem Fehlen auch noch die Autostart Ordner: \Users\[Accountname]\AppData\Roaming\Mic­rosoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs, \ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup, \Users\All Users\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup Wenn ESET Smart Security 9(+) nun diese Ordner/Schlüssel auch noch überwachen würde, wäre es viel sicherer für den Endkunden.
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