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About GoliatHD

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  1. Hi, I use as Browser Opera, and ESET doesn't support Opera as secure browser. Maby you can Protect Opera, too .
  2. Ok I will use the "back " button in my Browser. Ty
  3. Hi, I use noScript Suite Lite and it seems that Noscript block the "back" Button. (hxxp://prntscr.com/b91b6d) It will be great, if you fix the bug.
  4. HI, Do I need to ESET installer after the installaition of ESET ?
  5. HI, Is there a changelog for the new ESET 9.0.381.1 ? Or is this update only bug fixes ?
  6. Wich Version do you use? I use ESET SS 9 and ESET says that that the File is Ok
  7. HI, What dou you mean about this code: hxxp://prntscr.com/b3vr2o? ESET didn't detected this Trojana. The code is from : https://malwr.com/analysis/ZDQ2MTJhNGNmMjZkNDFlMjk0YjNiZTI2NWExNzMwNjM/
  8. Maby you must download the newest Dirver. Or you must use Ethernet.
  9. I think "https" is avaible at ESET Smart Security and NOD 32 because ESET has the SSL certificate. hxxp://prntscr.com/b2vybz Regesrty Protection is also avaible at ESET Smart Security 9 and NOD 32 hxxp://prntscr.com/b2vzdo
  10. Hi, maby you know Locky or Petya. This are viruses that encode your whole files. I found a script what tells you wich files theoretically be encrypted. (Sorry for my bad english,but im 15 ) The script: @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set total=0 cls for %%i in (a b c d e f h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do ( set DRIVE=%%i:\ if exist !DRIVE! ( call :lookup !DRIVE! ) ) echo Total of files potentially encrypted files: %total% goto :eof :lookup set drive=%1 set subtotal=0 echo Scanning %drive% for /r %drive% %%i in (*.m4u *.m3u *.mid *.wma *.flv *.3g2 *.mkv *.3gp *.mp4 *.mov *.avi *.asf *.mpeg *.vob *.mpg *.wmv *.fla *.swf *.wav *.mp3 *.qcow2 *.vdi *.vmdk *.vmx *.gpg *.aes *.ARC *.PAQ *.tar.bz2 *.tbk *.bak *.tar *.tgz *.rar *.zip *.djv *.djvu *.svg *.bmp c*.gif *.raw *.cgm *.jpeg *.jpg *.tif *.tiff *.NEF *.psd *.cmd *.bat *.class *.jar *.java *.asp *.brd *.sch *.dch *.dip *.vbs *.asm *.pas *.cpp *.php *.ldf *.mdf *.ibd *.MYI *.MYD *.frm *.odb *png *.dbf *.mdb *.sql *.SQLITEDB *.SQLITE3 *.asc *.lay6 *.lay *.ms11 *.sldm *.sldx *.ppsm *.ppsx *.ppam *.docb *.mml *.sxm *.otg *.odg *.uop *.potx *.potm *.pptx *.pptm *.std *.sxd *.pot *.pps *.sti *.sxi *.otp *.odp *.wb2 *.123 *.wks *.wk1 *.xltx *.xltm *.xlsx *.xlsm *.xlsb *.slk *.xlw *.xlt *.xlm *.xlc *.dif *.stc *.sxc *.ots *.ods *.hwp *.602 *.dotm *.dotx *.docm *.docx *.DOT *.3dm *.max *.3ds *.xml *.txt *.CSV *.uot *.RTF *.pdf *.XLS *.PPT *.stw *.sxw *.ott *.odt *.DOC *.pem *.p12 *.csr *.crt *.key) do ( echo %%i set /a subtotal=subtotal + 1 set /a total=total + 1 ) echo Detected files: %subtotal% pause goto :eof You must write a .bat or .cmd behind your name of the Script. Then you go in CMD go to the file and write: [Filename].bat > [Filename].txt.
  11. Ok I will report that malware and it gives some people who use the script for fun... (hxxp://virenhackstrolls.weebly.com/)
  12. Only a few files in System32 are protected. If you have Administration permissions, you can delete the files.
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