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we have trouble with EFDE solution and using offline license from the beginning. We tried to debug things , wait for newer version , but it going from bad to worse...

We tried this:

To do this access the following path in the Registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\ESET Full Disk Encryption\CurrentVersion\AIS\Logs\Loggers

Change 'License' from "info" to "debug"

No changes in the log.

Now it seems that EFDE is somehow stucked. Meaning, we managed to encrypt disk (our offline license vanishing every 20 minutes, than we can reactivate and than vanished license and so on). But last month, we have problem to control EFDE at all. It does not apply policies (for instance to decrypt), it dows not apply activation task and so on. In the efde_ais log there are two lines every agent sync task:

[agent] [info][3700] Received policy update from agent

[modules][error][3700] Failed to apply configuration with error: Apply policy: failed with 5000

In status html, I can see that licence is "Not activated". But we cannot activate product because we cannot control it... Agent connection is OK.

Please is there a way how to uninstall product ? I know that disk needs to be decrypted but how on earth we should decrypt disk on product that do not apply decrypt policy???

We tried to reinstall produkt localy - no change, tried to reinstal produkt with ALL-in-one installer with DECRYPT policy - no luck. We are stucked....

THank you in advance.



Protect server on prem - 11.1.757.0

Endpoint sec product - 11.1.2039.2

Protect agent - 11.2.2076.0


Edited by kelepe
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  • ESET Staff
  • Solution

Hi @kelepe,

Unfortunately their has been issues with the current and previous builds of EFDE with Offline Activations.

Fortunately, we have tested an upcoming fix we are confident will resolve all of these issues that customers have been encountering. 

I would appreciate it if you are able to submit a ticket to our support centre in order for us to confirm you are indeed hitting the same issue I mentioned above (With logs): https://www.eset.com/int/support/contact/

The fixed EFDE version is due to be released in September (So long as their are no delays in testing or other bugs found that we need to fix before the release)

However, if you do need to decrypt, I would suggest following this OH page: https://help.eset.com/efde/en-US/recovery_data.html this will allow an offline decryption outside of Windows using a Recovery File. Which will get around the fact you are struggling to activate the EFDE Client.

Thank you,


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Hi Kstainton,

we have troubles with EFDE and offline license, and also we have opened ticket with support in the past. We have been told that with new release of EFDE, which was 3 releases earlier, will fix the issue. Than we will have to wait for the new release.

Thank you for the recovery procedure, yes we are aware of that, but do it on several computers is little bit complicated. Anyway, thank you for the new release update.

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