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URL/Urlik.AAR Object - pastebin - virus?

Go to solution Solved by Nataniell,

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@Nataniell, I need you to do something else to aid in forensic analysis of this coinminer.

Open the Autoruns folder and run Autoruns64.exe - not Autoruns.exe.

Once Autoruns initializes, refer to the below screenshot;


Verify that the two red highlighted entries are not check marked. If they are, uncheck mark them; shutdown Autoruns; and restart Autoruns64.exe. Again, wait till it fully initializes.

Next in the Quick Filter search box, enter secureboot64. Post a screenshot of what is shown.

Hopefully, this will show us what is running this bugger.

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Pondering a bit more, I believe secureboot64.exe is just a renamed version of secureboot.exe. The attacker just added the command line code to it in the registry service entry to connect to the pastebin.com domain hosting the coinminer.

A great example of how truly dangerous a Win "living-off-the-land" attack can be.

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@Nataniell, hopefully you still have HIPS log entries related to your created HIPS rule to block cmd.exe startup? If this is the case, please post the log entry related to secureboot64.exe starting cmd.exe. Only one log entry is needed.

You can copy an Eset log entry by right button mouse clicking on the entry and selecting copy. Then select paste in your forum reply to insert the log entry.

Edited by itman
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19 hours ago, itman said:

@Nataniell, hopefully you still have HIPS log entries related to your created HIPS rule to block cmd.exe startup? If this is the case, please post the log entry related to secureboot64.exe starting cmd.exe. Only one log entry is needed.

You can copy an Eset log entry by right button mouse clicking on the entry and selecting copy. Then select paste in your forum reply to insert the log entry.

This one?

Čas;Aplikace;Operace;Cíl;Akce;Pravidlo;Doplňující informace;Hash aplikace;Cílový hash
25.06.2024 16:32:08;C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\SystemSecure\Modules\System\secureboot64.exe;Spustit novou aplikaci;C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe;Blokováno;SKEN;;75C34BCB48FA08D0EF47504049192CA1E389DAC8;7140CAF2A73676D1F7CD5E8529DB861F4704C939

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2 hours ago, Nataniell said:

This one?

Yes, thank you.

Unfortunately, it appears secureboot64.exe was never submitted to VirusTotal.

If you haven't cleared your Win Recycle Bin, it still might be there. Could you check please.

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