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Forgotten ESET Smart Security encrypted removable hard drive

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I have an external hard disk that was encrypted using ESET Smart Security Premium 2 years ago in 2020.

I have forgotten the password for this encrypted hard disk.

What's even more a headache now is that the laptop where I installed the ESET Smart Security Premium back then cannot be used anymore.  That laptop was running on Windows 10 Home 32bit.

I have gotten a new laptop now which runs on Windows 11 Pro 64bit.

My questions are:

[1] Is there any way I could recover the data in the ESET Smart Security Premium encrypted hard disk?  There are a lot of important data and family photo/video memories in this hard disk and it will really be a heart break if those data cannot be recovered.

[2] Is it possible for me to install a new ESET Smart Security software on my new laptop to recover the data in that external hard disk?

[3] In the event the recovery could not be done using ESET Smart Security software, what are other reliable and viable alternatives available to recover the data? 

I highly appreciate if you could be of help as I really do not want to lose those precious data and memories in that hard disk.

Thanking you in advance for your kind and valuable advice.

Yours sincerely,

Bro C





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It is not clear what you mean since ESET Smart Security Premium does not include Full disk encryption feature.

You can either create a virtual drive where you put files to encrypt or a protected folder on a removable drive:


If you forgot the password, it's not possible to recover it as the warning says:


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