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Recently reinstalled Windows 7 and thus reinstalled ESET Internet Security. Apart from the name change of the product a while back the process was just as normal, download the installer, install and put in the license key, wait for the first search and done. However I noticed that the main ESET screen popped up when ever I restarted the computer, the one you get when you open the product from the system tray and have to close down manually.

Thought it would go away after a while, you know after I updated drivers, windows updates and so on, but nope. So I uninstalled and reinstalled the product, same issue. Then I googled a bit and found this:


So after checking what was advised there I've checked my registry and yup egui is registered under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

egui - REG_SZ - "C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Security\ecmds.exe" /launch /hide


I'm not allowed to delete or modify this registry key, I guess I need to take ownership of the registry key and that way delete it?

I've also checked MSCONFIG and that show the same thing, I can't disable it from here either, it just goes back to enabled as soon as I click Apply, I also downloaded CCleaner and tried to disable it from that just to check but same result.


So is the solution to this to take ownership of the registry key and delete it, perhaps modify it, or what should I do to prevent having to close the main ESET Internet Security window each time I turn on my computer?




Edited by Richmon
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Are you stating that the Eset popup screen that appears at boot time does not self-close, but remains permanently on your desktop?

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1 hour ago, itman said:

Are you stating that the Eset popup screen that appears at boot time does not self-close, but remains permanently on your desktop?

No, the splash screen appears and fade out just as normal, what appears is the main window, the one you get when you open ESET from the system tray, this screen:


This is also what the user in the thread I linked had issues with, sure I can just manually close it by hitting the X in the top right corner, but still it shouldn't appear in the first place each and every time I start my computer. 


Apparently based on that thread you could fix this by modifying/removing the above mentioned  registry key back then, is this also the case now?

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17 hours ago, Richmon said:

Thought it would go away after a while, you know after I updated drivers, windows updates and so on, but nope. So I uninstalled and reinstalled the product, same issue. Then I googled a bit and found this:


So after checking what was advised there I've checked my registry and yup egui is registered under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

egui - REG_SZ - "C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Security\ecmds.exe" /launch /hide

For starters, I have the same registry key and have no issues with the Eset GUI home screen appearing on my desktop at boot time. So that is not your problem. I believe the earlier discussion related to the registry key formatted as follows:

cmd /c /q ""C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Security\ecmd.exe"" "/launch /hide"

This format was changed in ver. 11. 


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Yes I noticed the change, thus the question if the registry key I got there needed modifying or removal for this to stop happening or if I need to do something else. I've now reinstalled Windows 7 on 3 different computers, updated all their drivers and all the windows updates, as well as installed ESET Internet Security (EDIT: Version on all of them, all 3 display similar behavior. On one computer it just happen once in a while, a bit random so to speak, but on the other 2 it happens every time I start the computer. I didn't have any issues before I reinstalled the OS, but with a fresh install of everything as well as a formatted drive I don't really know were I should start looking to fix this. 


Edit2: Had a look in Services and there I got ESET Service - Started - Automatic, apart from that I can't find anything apart from the registry, msconfig - startup, and the application it self at which ESET is mentioned or controlled.

Edited by Richmon
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I would contact your in country Eset Tech Support and see if they can help you resolve the issue.

I have an idea on how you can remove the equi reg. key value but I don't want to take responsibility if Eset ends up "borked" or if your PC won't boot.

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I already know how I can remove/modify the registry key, but what I don't know is what that will result in and if it's even related to the problem I have at all. Perhaps it's something else that's causing this that I'm missing, not sure what that can be though. I did however notice that if I disable the boot splash screen the main window don't always appear when ever I restart the computer, but most of the time it does. Will do some more testing and see what I can come up with, if that don't lead to anything I'll submit a ticket to support as you suggested, I guess this is the way to do that: https://www.eset.com/int/support/contact/ since I don't know of any in country support for ESET products.

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1 hour ago, Richmon said:

since I don't know of any in country support for ESET products.

In the U.S.:

USA support based in San Diego, CA:

For Home call: +1 (619) 630-2300
For Business call: +1 (619) 630-2400
Hours of phone support: 6:00am - 5:00pm Pacific Time [GMT-8], Monday - Friday

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Well I'm located in Sweden, not sure what a call to the US would cost me but it seems like submitting a ticket via the support form would be a bit more economical for me :)

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