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Posts posted by ShaneDT

  1. Description: Display individual hard drive free space in Details / Hardware.

    Detail: Currently when you click on Details / Hardware for a computer object in ESET Protect Cloud, if the computer has multiple hard drives, it lists the drives, but it lists free space as 'Aggregated Free Space'.

    It would be much more useful if this listed the individual drives free space.

    One of my clients has a 256GB SSD & a 1TB HDD. I received an alert on the weekend 'There is not enough free disk space available' but when I check on ESET Protect it tells me there is 'Aggregated Free Space' of 600GB.

    Of course I can assume the 256GB drive is full, but this morning I don't know if the user has already fixed the problem or not. It would be much better to have free space listed for each drive detected.

    Yes I posted this above but figure I'd post it again as again today I had a situation where this would have been very useful. Customer has a computer with a failed motherboard and I need to quote them a replacement. When last connected to ESET there was a 2TB USB drive connected as well as the 256GB SSD. So I wanted to check what the usage was on the SSD so I know whether to quote a new PC with 256 or 512. But of course ESET tells me aggregated usage which includes the 2TB USB. So now I'll have to remove the old hard drive, find a USB dock, and do it the hard way. ESET could have saved me maybe 15-30mins of time here.

    Really the 'Aggregated Free Space' is really useless information when you think about it.

    Please can we have free space separately for each drive connected.

  2. Tried on multiple computers, program just randomly closes. Sometimes straight away, sometimes part way through downloading modules.

    Getting this in the Application Log if this helps.

    Please fix. This is an important sales tool when talking to customers about switching to ESET.

    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Application Error
    Date:          15/04/2024 11:31:28 PM
    Event ID:      1000
    Task Category: (100)
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Faulting application name: ESETOnlineScanner.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x65f09154
    Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.19041.4239, time stamp: 0x9b4c0fa6
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x0005f5f3
    Faulting process id: 0x2924
    Faulting application start time: 0x01da8f38d5148146
    Faulting application path: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\ESET\ESETOnlineScanner\ESETOnlineScanner.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    Report Id: fa5f8d95-c2da-49d5-9212-460d21523dd8
    Faulting package full name: 
    Faulting package-relative application ID: 
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="hxxp://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="Application Error" />
        <EventID Qualifiers="0">1000</EventID>
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2024-04-15T13:31:28.7276476Z" />
        <Correlation />
        <Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
        <Security />

  3. 3 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    I would recommend raising a support ticket so that a technical support representative can check your customer's cloud instance and find out why the auto-update policy does not work as expected for him.

    I'm an MSP partner, it's my service where I have all my customers licences, as well as my own separate service.

    Again though I just need a solution that works. Nothing in this thread even if it did work allows me to control when specific version updates are installed. Only a Client Task will allow me to do this. 

    For example when I update customers servers, with Microsoft updates or HP updates or ESET updates, this is ALWAYS done manually afterhours. My customers don't want to be paying me for several hours of my time to sit there and wait for the ESET update to finally deploy. Whereas running it as a Task it happens straight away.

    Again there is a Client Task for every other type of update, just not Product Updates.

    I really don't understand why you can't see this as a benefit for customers and partners alike.

    The existing options to control this are cumbersome and complicated and delayed. 

    Doing it via a Client Task is simple and immediate.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    The software install task does not require a license to be selected. Only selecting a package is mandatory but not license:


    As to why the auto-update policy is not working for you, I'd recommend raising a support ticket for investigation. Most likely a policy that forces the setting to turn off is applied.

    OK, so if I don't select a licence, and apply this task across multiple customer computers that are already licenced, it won't screw up their licence or activations?

    It still leaves the problem of this being a full uninstall / reinstall, which is more likely to end up with complications or failures.

    So again having the ability to do a Product Update as a Task would be very useful and much simpler.

  5. Description: Add a Client Task option for Product Updates with the ability to select version and without the requirement to assign licence.

    Detail: There is currently a Client Task option for Module Updates, Operating System Update, Agent Upgrade but no option for Product Update.

    This would be very helpful both for MSP's and large organisations that want to control the installation of product updates to groups of computers at a time. For example to be able to assign the update to an initial group for testing, and then to subsequent groups as part of a staged rollout. Doing this with a single task created and then assigning new Triggers to this task as needed is the simplest method to achieve this.

    Yes there is the Software Install option but this requires assigning licences so if you have multiple customers this becomes unnecessarily time consuming. This task also does a full uninstall / reinstall of the product which can lead to further complications and failures.

    Yes there is also the 'Check for product update' task but this only works from v10.1 and requires 'Common Features' policies to be created for each group to restrict what version you want to update to and seems to be somewhat unreliable as experienced in the following thread. This method is a lot more complicated and time consuming as it requires creating multiple policies to apply to multiple groups and/or adding/removing policies.

    Having a Product Update task that allows us to specify version and doesn't require specifying licences would just be so much easier and simpler.

    This would also be much simpler when you want to install an update now, and not wait for a policy to kick in some time over the next hour or two (or never). For example when doing server updates. 

  6. So I tried this on my customer server yesterday also and didn't work (I have two ESET Protect Cloud services, one for my computers and one for my customers computers). In the end I reverted to Software Install tasks as this does work. Took me nearly an hour to create 20+ tasks for each of my customers....

    I don't know why this wasn't working, I can only assume since I previously had Auto Updates off with the Force flag in another policy that somehow this was still applying to the computers, even though Auto Updates was showing as On in EES on the computers.

    That or it just doesn't work reliably. 

    Comes back to my original request. Being able to create a Product Update task specifying what version would be a much simpler way of controlling what updates get installed on what computers when... But ESET doesn't do simple ;)

  7. Is there any way to run some kind of report to see what the 'merged' policy settings are on a specific computer?

    In my 'master' EES policy for all computers I did previously have the Auto Updates setting turned off with the Force flag enabled to make sure these computers didn't update to 11.0.2032. This was flag was changed to 'Not Apply' in the master policy before creating and assigning the Common Features policy. Maybe this force flag disabling auto updates is still applied at the computer level. According to documentation this setting should have been removed from the computers, but maybe it hasn't and is blocking the Auto Update setting from the Common Features policy?

    However if I go into Advanced Setup in EES on the actual computers, Product Updates / Auto Updates is showing as enabled.

  8. Almost 24 hours now and none of the computers that I applied the Common Features policy to have updated.

    I even tried enabling the Force flag around midday and still nothing has updated.

    I've applied the policy directly to several computers so it is the last policy being processed so it should be applied, and I've checked there are no other policies now configured with the Auto Updates setting anyway.

    So Marcos I don't know why, but it just doesn't work the way you're describing it, if at all.

    I'll leave one of these computers on overnight but it looks like I will have to default back to Software Install as the only option that works to control what version my computers are upgraded to. 

  9. 6 hours ago, ShaneDT said:

    An aside to the above, I tried running the "Check for product update" task on a computer running EES v11.0.2032 and I get an error: Task type is not supported. Tried googling but nothing came up. Why is this failing? According to documentation this task should be supported on v10.1 and above? Is it not supported on v11?

    After a couple of restarts and installing Windows updates, I ran this task again and it reported success, but didn't trigger any update.

  10. An aside to the above, I tried running the "Check for product update" task on a computer running EES v11.0.2032 and I get an error: Task type is not supported. Tried googling but nothing came up. Why is this failing? According to documentation this task should be supported on v10.1 and above? Is it not supported on v11?

  11. 1 hour ago, Marcos said:

    What about sending a "Check for product update" task? It should upgrade Endpoint the the highest version allowed by the auto-update policy:


    You didn't read my post above. Check for product update only works on v10.1 and later.

  12. 29 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    Why? The requirements for "Stop update at" feature are as follows, ie. for Endpoint for Windows it's => v9.0:

    Yes, but without being able to run "Check for product update" I can't control when the update gets installed.

  13. 8 hours ago, ShaneDT said:

    Also if selecting the Update \ Update ESET Products from the computer task menu, will this comply with the 'Stop updates at' policy?

    To answer my own question, this goes back to my original request, this option only allows to update to the latest version only.

  14. Marcus so just to confirm.

    If I create a Common Features policy with Stop Updates At set to 10.1.2063 for ESET Endpoint for Windows, assign this to all groups with Windows computers, then run the "Check for product update" tasks on these computers, they should all upgrade to 10.1.2063 only, there is no risk of this triggering an update to v11. Correct?

  15. 3 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    It's one of very few settings common for all products, hence it's available as a separate "product".

    lol yeah I get that (now), but why wouldn't you have such a setting in the actual products policy as well? 

    Or make it easier to just create a Task to do this as per my original post. Or at least have it as an option for Tasks.

    So many ways to do the same thing and they're all different! So over complicated :( 

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