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Drew 2

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About Drew 2

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  1. In case anyone researches this issue later, my problem seemed to have resolved itself. I don't know what changed. I stopped using split-tunneling and was prepared to collect the info as directed by macros, but no errors or firewall problems returned. No idea what changed. If the problem resumes I'll submit the diagnostics as directed.
  2. Rebooting would temporarily help me too - but not for long. I've been logging per @macros's directions, but amazingly have not had the error since I enabled logging. Maybe follow the logging directions and submit?
  3. Hi @macros, Nothing changes with the network and the VPN isn't disconnecting/reconnecting when this happens - DNS servers should all be express VPN's. As soon as I can do the diagnostic with the log collector, I'll PM the log to you. Thanks.
  4. @macros While I haven't had time to gather the logs yet, but I am fairly confident the issue is between EIS and the VPN. I hadn't updated to EIS 15 on my desktop, but when I did, I started getting the same errors. So far split-tunneling fixed the LiveGrid and firewall issues on 2 computers. I've read in some other posts this happened to others using ExpressVPN (my VPN) as well as other brand VPNs. I'll update when I can for your troubleshooting, but I thought I'd post this in case it helps someone else in the meantime.
  5. @vortensis I'll be interested to hear what you find. I have another post going about this too. But I'm Running Windows 10 21H1 with the firewall issue.
  6. It seems the split-tunnel fixed the LiveGrid error and I don't have an issue assisting with troubleshooting the issue through the VPN later, the firewall issue is my primary concern right now. If you suspect the firewall issue is also being caused by the VPN, please confirm. The troubleshooting steps given for the firewall issue were different as seen here:
  7. @Nightowl I was unable to get LiveGrid working consistently with or without the VPN on. However, I created a split-tunnel for EIS and so far I haven't received the error again. It's very possible I won't understand why this worked because according to ExpressVPN's site, "as long as you are connected to ExpressVPN, all of your DNS queries will go through ExpressVPN’s servers, no matter how you configure your split-tunneling settings". I thought I had read in the forum DNS issues could be a cause of LiveGrid errors. @macros I'll do this as soon as I can. Assuming the above changes fix the LiveGrid issue, will this logging also capture what you need for the firewall issue?
  8. I have ESET Internet Security (on Windows 10 21H1). I’m having firewall (interactive setting) and LiveGrid issues. I’m not sure if this started happening when I upgraded to 15 from 14, but I didn’t have the issues with 14 and it started and has gotten worse over the last approx. 3-4 weeks. It started with a lot of errors: “ESET LiveGrid Cannot be Reached”, “ESET IS has limited Direct Cloud connectivity”. The suggested fix EIS indicated was to allow it on my firewall - but ESET is my firewall. After a couple weeks I stopped receiving the Direct Cloud error but the LiveGrid errors persist. I do not have internet/network issues outside of ESET (disconnections, etc). The problem started getting progressively worse. Since I bought ESET many iterations ago I’ve always had the firewall set to “interactive mode” and the firewall performed very well (I made no changes to permissions recently that would cause this or the following behaviour). After receiving the errors above for a week or so, I stopped receiving prompts to allow / deny programs to connect to the internet after opening an app. The problem has gotten so bad that now programs that were granted permanent access aren’t connecting (Firefox, Chrome, Thunderbird, etc.) unless I disable the firewall. In some cases, apps I specifically previously had ask for permission to access the internet are granted permission or open and don’t connect. I use ExpressVPN with EIS and have for years with no issues. Some of the troubleshooting I’ve tried: - - Turn off firewall – this works, but no firewall and program control! - - Set rules for individual apps in advanced set up / network. - - Reset ESET to default settings (no program control as it sets to automatic mode). I don’t see rules for programs I prefer to control to modify to “ask”. The only rules that will show are “built-in, predefined rules”. - - Switch modes to automatic, learning. - - Uninstalled / Reinstalled EIS – both through add/uninstall and with ESET Removal tool. ESET did not block CloudCar until after I uninstalled using the ESET removal tool. Then, after I reinstalled ESET, it blocked it temporarily. However, the ESET LiveGrid error returned within a couple hours and ESET failed the CloudCar test. - - Ran in depth antivirus, malware scans with EIS and ESET online scanner tool, Malwarebytes, etc. - - Rebooted. - - Checked firewall rules for possible “deny” actions for desired apps. - - Contacted / submitted request for support via email/online contact and was referred to chat (after waiting 6 days). The limit of their troubleshooting was to reset to default and not use the interactive firewall. I was very disappointed with the support. I've also read through a number of others' posts with the same or similar problems. These issues seem to be a pattern with ESET lately. I’d love to keep the program and hope to resolve this, but this coupled with no customer service support resulting in looking for resolution in the forums to fix a problem that renders EIS useless is a deal breaker. I see Macros has replied to other posts regarding this and asks for different logging based on each users’ experience. Sorry to make you repost redundant info if you’re the one to reply Macros.
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