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About fallenangel1978

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  1. why adding sdk from these companies (revmob,startapp,leadbold) esset thinks that is a Potentially Unwanted Applications? and not from googles ads and other ad network? only these 3 ads networks are a threat? i m a developer and i have intergade the 3 networks but esset pop ups a message "Threat" and my users thinks that is a virus and prevend them from downloading my apps. is there any solution? thank you
  2. I m a android developer and i want to use RevMob,StartApp,LeadBold ad networks but i cant because of esset mobile antivirus. my users complained of pop up message "Threat" and user think that my app has a virus. i ve contact with the 3 companies above and esset several times, but NOTHING... is there something else that i can do? any solution? thank you all
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