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Everything posted by Trauko

  1. There are a lot of reasons to stay with windows 7 as long as you can, and I'm not talking about compatibility issues which are minor issues, I'm talking about non-existent privacy under windows 8.1.
  2. I use HIPS "Smart Mode" Plus some manually added basic Reg Protection rules set to "Ask". The issue is when I found a confirmed malicious activity coming from an infected process. And I am asked by HIPS to allow or block this activity, I can perfectly deny it. But it does not mean that the malicious process wil be terminated and move to quarantine, so it won't be able to start again. In this picture the option if selected, would end and quarantine the pcoess "clt.exe".
  3. As for HIPS users, which uses "Smart Mode" Plus, some manually added registry protection like me. I really miss to have a check box under "Advanced options" with the "Terminate process & move to quarantine". That is a must have advanced option. You could even be safe about adding it, as it could only be shown for those who want it by setting it in HIPS advanced settings, or just leave it by default, non checked box. So you won't use it by default, until you need to. I would really love to have that little setting, I believe is very useful.
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