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  1. Upvote
    HSS77 gave kudos to Nightowl in Eset File Security PDF/Phishing.A.Gen   
    Argh didn't notice that was MacOS , Glad you sorted it out.
  2. Upvote
    HSS77 gave kudos to Marcos in Eset File Security PDF/Phishing.A.Gen   
    The FP was fixed more than an hour ago, it should not be detected when scanned on your machine. VT doesn't leverage LiveGrid, hence it's still shows the file as detected.
  3. Upvote
    HSS77 received kudos from Nightowl in Eset File Security PDF/Phishing.A.Gen   
    Tried sending now as was able to allow it again. Thanks. 
  4. Upvote
    HSS77 received kudos from Nightowl in Eset File Security PDF/Phishing.A.Gen   
    Hah, thanks. Just different than usual MacOS admin user details box. Managed now to change the settings and allow file sending to be analysed from the quarantine. I hope the file is sent now, can someone confirm please. 

    Great stuff, many thanks for the help so far!
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