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Posts posted by KGAIBERIA

  1. Good morning,

    I am using ESET Virtual Appliance.

    I am following this documentation to change my Active Directory connection to LDAPS https://help.eset.com/protect_deploy_va/80/en-US/configure_ldaps_connection_to_a_domain.html 

    As prerequisite you said "


    Set up LDAPS on the Domain Controller - make sure to export the DC Certification Authority public key.


    My problem is that when I try to export the domain controller certificate, the option "export public key" is dissabled. can I use this certificate on the VA Server? My Domain Controller is a Windows Server where I installed AD CS. 

    Thank you

  2. Description: better management about console alerts "reboot computer is needed" .

    Detail: When you deploy a new version of ESET Enpoint Security and you do not enable "restart computer automatically without prompt" the red alert "reboot computer needed" is added to console. If user turno off computer, the alert does not be deleted. When user turn off computer and turn on again, this alert should disappear.

    Same issue with other alerts like "device control is not totally ready", "a reboot is recommended after update ESET", etc...

    This problem cause that my console shows lot of alerts that are really solved because user turn-off computer

  3. Description: show BIOS version on details of the computer.

    Detail: on the general info screen of a computer, you can see lot of information about computer (Operative System, computer model, serial number, etc...) would be very usefull display the bios version too and would be great if also can advice if Bios version is out of date or in risk (same as you do now with OS updates). Manteinance of BIOS is also part of the security

  4. When web console notify a new product update on ESMC and I am using ESET SMC Virtual Appliance, how should I proceed to?


    According to online documentation about ESMC VA upgrade  It is neccesary download a new VHD updated. Is it right or these steps are needed for another kind of update?

    I should not click on the UPDATE button displayed on the web console notification?

    It is my first ESMC upgrade since I started using Virtual Appliance and I want to be sure about how to proceed.

    Thanks a lot

  5. Thanks for your reply @itman,

    Perhaps I should said previously that I am using recommended ESET ransomware prevention policies (Antivirus and Firewall).

    I was working with powershell before installing ESET with no problem.

    Finally I solve the problem adding a rule on network protection > firewall configuration witch allow LAN access to powershell. 

    For security reasons I applied this last rule only to computers where this option is needed.

  6. Thank you @Marcos,

    The Management Agent that I want to update is installed on a Windows Server but if i select "Security Management Center Components Upgrade", when I click on choose server, there is only listed the Linux version (because is the version installed on ESET SMC Virtual Appliance).


    Should I select my ESET SMC linux server? I think this step is a bit confusing because I understand that I should select the same SO that I have installed on the machine that I want to upgrade. Perhaps my problem is that previously I was using ESMC installed on a Windows computer...


  7. Hi,

    when I tried to execute a ps1 file from local network on a laptop, ESET HIPS block it for security reasons. It is great, but I need execute some secure powershell files.

    Path file is for example Z:\Powershell files\psfile.ps1

    How I can add an exclusion that allow execute some powershell files?

    I am not sure if the correct steps are create a new policy applied to ESET Endpoints and under Configuration > Engine detection > HIPS > HIPS configuration > Rules.

    In afirmative case, How to add a rule that allow a specific powershell file?

    I clicked on add rule

    • Name = Allow PSFILE
    • Action = allow
    • Enable "Applications"
    • Enable "Enabled"

    click Next.

    On Source application select specific application and added C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe.


    Enable "start new application"


    Select Specific application and add the psfile path "Z:\Powershell files\psfile.ps1"

    Click finish

    Then apply the policy to my computer.

    Now when I execute the psfile, a powershell windows is opened but no action is done...

    Thanks a lot


  8. Hi,

    I am just working with ESMC virtual appliance.

    I want to create a Management Security Center upgrade task because I want to update Agent on a Windows File Security server but on Configuration step, when I click on "Select a server" only one option is showed: 

    ESET Security Management Center Server  7.2.2233.0   for linux  CENTOS en_US   hxxp://repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/era/server/linux/v7/7.2.2233.0/server_linux_x86_64.sh.changelog.html   hxxp://repository.eset.co 

     How can I add other security products to the repository (File Security, Windows Endpoint, etc)?

    Thank you


  9. Hi all,

    I am moving my ESET MSC from a Windows server to ESET Virtual appliance and I have detectec that on the ESMC web console, when you go to More > Exclusions, it is not possible to export current exclusions. Only Import option is available. Is it a bug?


    ESET Security Management Center (Server), Versión 7.2 (7.2.2233.0)
    ESET Security Management Center (Consola web), Versión 7.2 (


  10. @Tonos And if you try to run the upgrade again?

    Curiously in my case error is a bit different and said "web console version (7.2) is different from server version (7.1)"

    My next step will be

    1. logon into ESMC.
    2. Then enter into Computers section
    3. select computer where ESMC is installed
    4. clic on the computer name and select "show details"
    5. Go to "Products and licenses" of the computer and check if system detects any old version that needs upgrade
    6. clic on Upgrade ESET components buttom if showed
      Please note that a restart could be required to complete upgrade
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