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About NicoW

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  1. Hi Guys. the update is here (version
  2. @carmik the uninstall log says yes.
  3. @carmik you can try a complete uninstall in save mode with the eset uninstaller. then install again and get into the settings. on my pc, nod32 was working for ~10min after reinstalling. @Marcos i work as IT Technican so im really interested why nod32 kills all programs and prevent it to start, when nod32 is crashed. the command line needs minutes to start and i just can send a ping to a host, but all other programs are offline. this would be very interesting for me.
  4. is this really a problem with the license? when i re-new my license and install it again, can i work with it ,without changing the date? did my dump files help to solve the problem? or should i wait for the the next build?
  5. I found DMP Files in C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\CrashDumps which refers to ekrn.exe - if this files can help i can send you.
  6. Hi! Yesterday i had the same problem. My License will expire in 13days. the icon was also changing every few seconds. if i open the Gui, it closes instantly.. after a few trys the icon was dead.. i can't click on it any more. Seconds later my PC was complete offline. i also cannot start any system programs or do a reboot. i hit the reset button. i logged back into windows, and jumped into the systemsettings as fast as i can and uninstall NOD32. Afterwards all programs works perfect. i tried again to install NOD32 (with live installer). NOD32 did an update and make his first PC Scan. All works perfect for the moment. Minutes after the Scan has been finished, my PC goes offline again. i hit reset again. then i changed the date to saturday, 8.2.2020. so, NOD32 works perfect now. but this was not a final solution for me, so i uninstalled it again and now i wait for a bugfix oder something else. the last log entried, that i saw was "Der Versuch, das Stammzertifikat allen bekannten Browsern auf Ihrem Computer hinzuzufügen, ist fehlgeschlagen". i also searched the windows event viewer. i can provide this information later the day. but it was also full of errors with Nod32. it looks like that Nod32 prevent windows from starting system programs. sincerely, nico
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