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Posts posted by nexon

  1. Porovnávam z dlhodobého hľadiska... 

    Aj real time ochrana ale eset proste nestačí na kaspersky... 

    Eset som používal 6 rokov.. A asi od roku 2014 kaspersky doteraz... 

    Takisto podľa av comparatives čím ďalej tým viac sa eset prepadá. 

    Kvrt je to iste ako keby som spustil full scan v kaspersky antivirus. 

  2. Na obrázku nižšie vidieť že verzia pred aktualizáciou bola 22313 (20201113) a po stiahnutí skoro 132 MB zostalo rovnaké číslovanie 22313 (20201113). Napísalo že aktualizácia prebehla úspešne.

    Keď som dal znovu aktualizovať tak už nie je treba že je najnovšia aktualizácia.

    Snímka obrazovky (20).png

  3. Yea but for example i have kaspersky password manager. I can have lower version ( not premium but internet security) and additional i can download program. In Eset must have PREMIUM, if i have internet security then i can do this.

    Also i have free kaspersky pasword manager for 15 accounts (if you have for example 3  facebook accounts it is still like 1 acount because FB website) so if you have 100 FB accounts still like 1 account. Also it is saved in online where i can loggin.

    Premium version is unlimited.

    Eset i used 6 years but since from 2014 i replaced it with kaspersky. From 2014 to 2022 and still using it.
    Eset was good but not perfect i like gui etc but protection is simply good nothing more.

    And password manager only in premium and price for this SW oh my...

    I am proud that is our slovakian product!

  4. 18 hours ago, Rami said:


    I have a feedback about a minor change but it would help a lot , when there is a computer scan and a detected threat in the log , it should be colored other than Yellow/Orange maybe red so it can be noticed faster rather than searching the whole log for it



    There is it Orange and RED displayed.... What do you mean?


  5. 11 minutes ago, New_Style_xd said:

    Description: Software Update
    Detail: I would like the ESET product to have a feature of updating all third party programs such as Kaspersky Internet Security Software Update.

    Please no... This is security software Antivirus not updater.!!!

    Download any other updater software not eset. 

  6. 19 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    Actually advanced users love the ability to customize numerous settings. Common users don't need to go to the advanced setup at all since ESET products provide well-balanced protection out of the box.

    I understand but i mean in older version like 3 or 4 is much better and easier advanced settings. Now i must finding few minutes or simply must search in search box.

  7. Už dlhší čas mi chodia nevyžiadané maily na azet.sk

    Zablokoval som jeden kontakt cez azet a vidím že mi chodia maily aj z iných účtov.

    Stále opakuje to isté dookola že niekto zomrel v Togu a zostal po ňom majetok niekoľko miliónov a chce odo mňa údaje :D Iste že mu pošlem :D 

    Len ma to otravuje a to dosť.. Keby eset filtroval spam aj priamo v internetovom prehliadači? Nielen v aplikáciach outlook a pod.

    Snímka obrazovky (18).png

  8. 58 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    First of all, this topic serves for gathering various ideas from users and we normally do not confirm or deny whether a particular idea will be accepted and implemented. In this case, I for one, don't see any real use case for blocking network communication when the screen saver is active.

    I agree with Marcos...

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