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Posts posted by janoo

  1. This is unlikely to happen.

    • If there is no Agent on the client, it can not be evaluated and assigned under a dynamic group. Therefor you have no triggering mechanism on those computers. (It is not possible to trigger a task when a new computer joins a static group)
    • Other problem is, that you would need to have the same Administrator password on each client (so the Server task's settings are working on each).
  2. Hi, Clients which got the information about the revoke, those are not working, others are. You should not revoke the certificate which you are planning to use in the future.

    Even in the manual, https://help.eset.com/era_admin/65/en-US/index.html?admin_cert_peers.htm

    there is information about that:


    The revoke action is irreversible, you will not be able to use a certificate that has been revoked. Make sure there are no ERA Agents left using this certificate before you revoke it.


  3. Hi Hungtt, in the guide you used, there is no notion of importing peer certificates, only:

    Import all CAs that you have exported from your old ERA Server. To do so, follow the instructions for importing a public key.

    Where CAs are Certifiaction Authorities, so as MichalJ wrote, there is no need to import peer certificates.

    If you have imported CAs and changed the server certificate (in Server settings) to use the exported one, it should work.

  4. Hello bbahes,

    The documentation is growing together with the product so sometimes there can be an inconsistency. Thank you for pointing this out, we will try to improve it.

    I agree, if you read the PDF document from start to end, some topics may look inconsistent. This is because we did not intended it to be read like that. The PDF document you have is exported from Online Help which has a different conception.

    What would you suggest to change in the documentation? (except those chapters 3.3.2/3.3.1)

  5. Hi, I would recommend you to:

    1. backup your database (if you have any)
    2. uninstall mysql-server and uninstall ODBC connector (unixodbc libmyodbc)
    3. download and install mysql-server from official MySQL page hxxp://dev.mysql.com/downloads/repo/apt/
    4. download and install latest Generic Linux ODBC connector from hxxp://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/odbc/
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