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About bashir1961

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  1. thanks, it fixed the installation, I will post (hpoefully not...) if I still encounter problems kind regards
  2. as additional info, i checked with mysql select @@global.max_allowed_packet returns 524288000 because i set it to 512M as an experiment in my.cnf, so the setting is read correctly. However setup fails with same message kind regards
  3. hello everybody, I am trying to install ERA on a centos 7 machine, I have installed mysql and checked there is one and only one my.cnf file, with the section: [mysqld] max_allowed_packet=33M However I keep getting the error: Error: Database does not support big blocks of data. Unable to continue. Please reconfigure database first. I restarted mysql and the machine; in the installer log there is no much more indications, is there any additional log I can check ? thanks and best regards
  4. hello again, sorry, I did not find previously the linux installation because I looked only in the all-in-one installers .... please discard previous post, sorry again and kind regards
  5. hello everybody, as I posted before, I am evaluating ERA, but my company main target are lans with about 10-20 computers, so I realize it could be a bit overkill, however at a first glance I like it :-) the question is, in order to deploy a complete installation, that is ERA, a proxy to centralize updates, and mobile device connector, are three virtual machines necessary or can a single one do all the job ? Moreover could it be possible to install on an existing centos machine or do you distribute only virtual appliances ? thanks again and kind regards
  6. Thanks to everybody for the answers; @MichalJ, I followed the link but did not understand which licensing term would be violated, maybe SQL express? I have some more questions, but I will open a new thread. thanks again
  7. Good day to everybody, I am evaluating ERA 6, the company I work for is more or less a var, however the typical target is a LAN of maximum 20 computers. At a first glance I like ERA 6, however I wonder if, given this numbers, a windows server is really a technical requirement or not, is it possible to install ERA 6 on a windows pro machine ? thanks and kind regards Paolo Argenton
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