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Is there a way to run internet through a VPN client and when VPN goes down ESET firewall could kill internet? Then by closing the VPN client ESET firewall would let through normal internet again? How do you setup a KillSwitch with VPN and ESET firewall? I don't use Windows firewall.

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Heya Seth, Do not enable the kill switch in Ipvanish settings. There is a major problem with the kill switch being enabled, your firewall (eset and bit deffender i have tested) will allow all traffic aka blocked programs etc to go straight past the firewall and access the net. To replicate the problem block a program with esets firewall then leave kill switch off, all will run sweet and the program will be blocked by the firewall, but enable kill switch and try again an the program will access the net straight past the firewall. So basically every an anything can connect out and in. Problem purely happens when the kill switch is enabled so leave off till they fix it. I have reported the problem to eset and ipvanish but no real news about a fix or anything yet.

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It is a major problem that will hopefully be fixed soon as you can only safely run with it off and if net drops out your real ip can be gained easily defeating the purpose of using. You definitely need a kill switch on a vpn client to be propper steathed!. But at the momemnt its at the cost of a firewall. I pretty sure its a open vpn/ ipvanish problem as the same problem happens with bit deffender. cheers

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Also Seth, with your question, thats pretty much what the kill switch does it disables ur internet and stops all traffic if your connection to the vpn ever drops out or while resetting ip's. So eset will have no need to build it to their program. Ipvanish need to make it work with firewalls really.

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