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Detection engine 29419 crashed all my computers

Go to solution Solved by KonrJA,

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This morning i had some trouble with Eset with engine 29419. First a lot of dialogs appeard that some files (Urls) were infected in my mail database (emClient) and i had to restart the computer. The whole system were very unstable and after reboot the same thing happend again. The dedection engine gone wild again and wanted to reboot again. I am sure that no infection is in my mail database so i rolled the engine back to 29418 and now all is well.
This behavour were on all my computers at home (every pc has its own emClient database, they are not connected with each other.
So i think the detection engine 29419 is erronous.)

Thanks and with kind regards


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  • Administrators

Could you please run update and check if the problem persists after a reboot? I saw some FP detections Win64/Rozena.ABC trojan in the log which was a recent false positive discussed here:


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  • Solution

I've updated the engine to 29420. Soft reboot didn't work, the pc refused to start exeplorer.exe and stuck after log on. Only after turning the computer completely off (with Power off)  and restarting it it's now working again.
Thanks for your help! 🙂

Kind regards!

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