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    Sean_TER received kudos from j-gray in More verbose notifications   
    Hello. I'm trying to get more information from my generated notifications I receive in email. Using the built-in notifications, I've just added my email and they "seem" to work, but the information is too vague. "clients haven't connected in 14 days"..  "managed clients not connecting"  Which clients?? These notifications have zero information and nothing I can click to see which client they're referring to.
    I found this page about notification settings, and they mention adding "variables" and using $ character, seems great, EXCEPT this "add variable" button doesn't exist... 
    oContent—Click the edit  icon to edit the content; after editing the content, you can click the reset  icon to reset the default message content
    For Events on managed computers or groups, you can add variables to Subject and Content to include specific information in the notification. Click Add variable or start typing $ to display the list of variables.
    What am I doing wrong here? 

    There is no variable button and also No option: "Include a link in the email—Select the check box to include a link to the Web Console with details about the event from the notification."
  2. Upvote
    Sean_TER gave kudos to MartinK in Rogue Detection using ESET Protect (cloud)   
    Thanks for pointing out that inconsistency and documentation expectst that this component is being deployed on already managed device (= device with ESET Management Agent and possibly other ESET components installed).
    Unfortunately support for this component in the cloud is little more limited in comparison to on-prem solutions, just because alternatives are being analyzed -> as you pointed out, this components is outdated as of now and relies on legacy library versions.
  3. Upvote
    Sean_TER gave kudos to j-gray in RD Sensor and WinPcap   
    @Marcos Thanks for that --totally missed the licensing limitation.
    RD Sensor could provide functionality that we desperately need, but just isn't viable with the current model. There's no way we can deploy them at every site and on every subnet, particularly given there is no install for macOS. The manual install is painful, as well.
    It would be great if this functionality was built into the existing agent and could be enabled if/when needed on any client.
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