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Everything posted by ASW_Lic

  1. For those of you affected by this problem I have found that you need to programmatically disable the "Get notifications from these senders" by editing the wpndatabase.db on everyone's computer. Here is a basic PowerShell snippet of how I accomplished this: $connString = ("Data Source='" + "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Notifications\wpndatabase.db'") $con = New-Object -TypeName System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection $con.ConnectionString = $connString $con.Open() $cmd = $con.CreateCommand() $cmd.CommandTimeout = 10 $cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE [HandlerSettings] SET [Value] = 0 WHERE [HandlerSettings].[SettingKey] LIKE 's:toast' AND [HandlerSettings].[HandlerId] IN ( SELECT HS.[HandlerId] FROM [HandlerSettings] AS HS INNER JOIN [NotificationHandler] AS NH ON NH.[RecordId] = HS.[HandlerId] WHERE HS.[SettingKey] LIKE 's:toast' AND NH.[PrimaryId] LIKE 'Microsoft.Explorer.Notification%' )" [void]$cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() $con.Close() This is probably bad code but I am a systems administrator not a programmer. Systems administrators are responsible for their infrastructure and we do not need to be dictated by people complaining about a yellow popup describing something that will happen over a year from now. Every environment is different and it's a shame ESET doesn't realize this.
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