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Posts posted by ronmanp

  1. ERA should support application version branches. For instance in McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator there's the "previous", "current" and "evaluation" branch.

    This way you get to decide which version is the "current" after going through an evaluation stage and with that you also get the option to rollback if needed.


    I don't experience that issue since I use SCCM to deploy ESET but I can understand that a relatively big company can't decide overnight to switch all new machines to a new build without proper testing. Companies often need to have everyone on the same build too.


    Just my 2 cents.

  2. I know it is not your product but ERA depends on JRE so the official answer shouldn't be "just try it".

    Recently wasn't there a change in the way JRE displays its version in the registry that required some tweaks to make ERA 6.1 work? 

    That's the kind of issues I'm trying to avoid by asking you first. 


    I would expect ESET to have a list of requirement to run ERA with the supported version of each requirement.


    That being said, by your answer I assume no bugs have been raised with JRE 8u60 so I'll try it.


  3. Glad to hear that, but to be honest even if ERA was on-par with SCCM for software deployment I wouldn't use it because it wouldn't make sense to build additional servers at each site when we have a solution for software deployment already.


    I'm not trying to convince anyone. Each environment has different needs.

    Thanks for the help. I can confirm the parameter works.

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