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Chris Davies

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About Chris Davies

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    Great Britain
  1. Thank you. I missed the export option from the ⚙ cog wheel. Consider the requirement (mostly) satisfied 🙂 Regards
  2. Yes, that's right. But my example was just that - an example. I can provide detailed use cases but I didn't think that was appropriate here. The green dot is really useful - I noticed it a version or two (?) back and was pleased about it. However, my request to be able to copy (and paste) the computer names still stands, please.
  3. Description: The list of computer names on the main "Computers" screen should be copyable Detail: On occasion I want to use the list of computer names selected on the "Computers" screen for some non-ESET processing. (For example, running through a loop with `ping` to see which are on our WAN and which may be off-site right now.) It's possible to copy and paste every column except the names of the computers. Please would you make it possible to copy the computer names too. Description: The set of computers on the main "Computers" screen should be exportable Detail: Please provide the opportunity to obtain a CSV export of the current set of machines listed on the "Computers" screens. (Ignore pagination, so if there are 3 screens of 25 computers, the export should have 75 rows of data plus the heading.)
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