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Everything posted by AndersG

  1. True, but my gut feeling is that most admins would like to use whatever tool they use to manage the rest of their infrastructure, be it ZENWorks Configuration Management, SCCM, Altiris, LANDesk etc...
  2. But it still is yet another server to install, run and manage. Having a dedicated server (even if it is an appliance) for this task is silly. Please bring back the XML-based activation!
  3. Agreed. Why make life more complicated? We switched to ESET several years ago from a competing product because of the problems we had with install and licensing. I guess it is time to open a formal support request on this.
  4. Thanks. I really appreciate your thorough reply. I will definitely look into it, but it feels like an overkill to use yet another management tool, just to activate installs. These are machines used for training and they are reimaged periodically. Else the activation would not be an issue. Is there anywhere I could put in a request for the ability to activate another way? Another option would be to downgrade to version 5 and then re-evaluate AV products.
  5. OK. But that assumes that I install the ESET server. We do not want to do that. Reason we choose ESET in the first place was ease of deployment. To clarify, we want to do this at install or by running a command.
  6. Hi! We use Zenworks Configuration management to manage all our PCs. For ESET that means a silent install, with a custom cfg.xml. With version 6 we now see that it picks up all settings, but fails to activate. How do we activate new installs silently?
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