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not me

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About not me

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  1. Pease help!! I have been locked out of my android phone device. The problem is it was offline when it got locked up. upon following the steps to unlock the device, i keyed in the unlock code in the unlock device section under settings but it didnt work as i was told " Unlock Code has expired. Please obtain a new code"... then later, the afore mentioned unlock code became "invalid "...so i followed the steps all over again...i noticed there was a new unlock code...and guess what ? after keying in this new unlock code I was told " Unlock Code has expired. Please obtain a new code" A-G-A-I-N!! 1. HOW DO I OBTAIN THIS "NEW CODE" ? Do I just wait for it? How long do I? At least if I can know the specific time interval that the current code gets expired and newer code gets released...i will be glad...so i can be able to key the new code in before it expires. 2. IF THE NEW CODES ARE GIVEN, THEN HOW AND AT WHAT TIME DO I KNOW IF THE NEW CODE HAS BEEN RELEASED? 3. WHAT ARE THE INTERVALS OF VALIDITY, CHANGE OF CODE, AND EXPIRATION OF NEW CODES?? please help! THANKS! PS: MY LOCKED ANDROID PHONE WAS OFFLINE BEFORE IT GOT LOCKED BY ESET.
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