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Everything posted by rklumpp

  1. Attached are my complete diagnostic logs, hoping they can be somewhat useful. Note that this particular PC does not have the issues that caused me to visit this discussion (but I am also having the problematic errors with "incorrect ethernet packages")! The reason for my visit: certain PCs from some customers of ours had issues accessing files on a network share (the share itself showed up, but accessing files was either painfully slow or caused the application to stop responding entirely. There are quite some differences between the networks and PC setups between the 3 "problematic cases" I have to deal with here, so I am not going into detail right now (but if you need to know anything specific, please ask away!). I do not have logfiles from the customer PC(s) in question - they're currently trying to work on those machines - but I do have remote access and can collect logfiles and so on after business hours when necessary or helpful! Diagnostics.zip
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