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Posts posted by soulweeper

  1. 31 minutes ago, ram1220 said:

     I can't remember exactly where you need to put the new license key. I believe I did it through the actual program and not the website. I do exactly the same as you. I wait until Newegg has it on sale and I buy it and update the license key each year. The only thing I would suggest is to wait until your current license is about to expire. I have made the mistake in the past of inputting the new key into the program too early. If you do so you will lose the remaining time on your current license. It's happened to me twice before. I now wait until the day my current license expires.

    Yep, I usually wait until the day of, for the same reason, haha. I believe it is just the product key. I think they stopped the username/password deal, I seem to remember.

  2. Been using NOD32 since as long as I can remember, and every year, I find a good deal at Newegg, for a 3 or 5 PC program. They used to send the retail product, and I'd simply use the product key, to get my username and password, and update my program. I just did it for a 3 PC version, and it's digital now. They send you the product key, and download link. That's fine, and obviously less wasteful, but is the process still the same, as far as me going and activating that license at the ESET site, or is that product key used in the program now? My current license doesn't expire until January, that's why I ask, don't want to activate it too soon.

    Hope I explained that right. :)


    Thanks, in advance.

  3. 1 minute ago, TomFace said:

    You also might want to nose around Amazon as there are bargains to be had. Of course check the ESET store website as well just to be sure.


    Yes, I checked both, thank you. I've discovered that checking NewEgg regularly, that it doesn't usually take long to get a great deal on the NOD32, or the internet security for multiple computers. I don't think ESET can ever beat NewEgg, but I don't check them very often. Amazon usually give NewEgg a run for the money, but NewEgg has some specials that are untouchable.

  4. 9 minutes ago, TomFace said:

    That's what it appears you purchased. Most likely it will only be the product key(s). Not having the CD is not a big deal as you should download the latest version (live or offline) from the ESET website.

    Of course, you'll know for sure once you get the item in the mail, if the item delivered is indeed what you thought you purchased. I've seen cases where it has been different.



    I didn't purchase it yet, but likely will. Just tyrying to confirm what it appears to be. I do this every year, to "renew". I watch the NewEgg newsletters, and they always eventually have a killer deal on ESET software. This one is $55 off the 79.99 price, so yeah, for 5 PCs, that's a deal. Any yes, I never care about the CD, I always get the latest version online. If this is what it seems to be, it's also lest wasteful, as the CD just ends up in the trash.

  5. 1 hour ago, Marcos said:

    Yes, settings are saved whenever you install a newer version over an older one or if you perform in-product update. We are going to release a legacy product update for users with older versions to upgrade them smoothly to v11 without the intermediary updates.

    I know the live installer had a bad reputation a long time ago....is the in-product update any better, or am I better off installing 11 right over 8?

  6. 18 hours ago, Marcos said:

    I've upgraded from 8.0.319 to v11.1.42. It takes 2 intermediary updates to v9.x, e.g. due to the change of certificates that occurred a longer time ago but you will finally update to the latest version. Or you can uninstall v8 and install v11.1.42 directly.

    If I do it with the intermediary updates, I save my settings, yes? If IO do a clean install of version 11, then obviously I have to configure it. All I really care about is the weekly scan. Do most people use it "right out of the box"?

  7. 41 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    Simply install v11 over v8 which will also ensure that your current settings will be retained.

    Would I do that right from the upgrade option, right in the program? The reason I ask that is, a long time ago, it was considered best to uninstall the current version first, then do a clean install. I often heard not to use the live installer too, just do the offline version. If that is still the best way, I can configure the new version, but if none of that matters like it used to, or seemed to, I'll do it through the program.

  8. I'm still on version 8.0.319.0, and it's ok.....go ahead and laugh. Don't remember the version, but I remember you could no longer import your settings like the older version, so I've just kept blowing it off, haha.

    Anyway, guess it's up to 11 now, yes? That said, is it best to upgrade through the program, or do a manual upgrade, like the old days? Also....any tips, as far as configuring, or is it good "out of the box". My only concern would be setting up my weekly scan, but I'm assuming that's just as easy as ever, yes?

    Sorry if they seem like stupid questions, I've just been resisting the change for a while, and trying to get a heads up on the latest version. Had a couple weird things happen lately, and realized it's better to have the latest protection, as the crappy people in this world keep progressing. :)


    Thanks, in advance!

  9. Don't think a system restore and a change in ESET version is going to fly very well. Just a hunch.

    I could always uninstall 8, reinstall a fresh copy, import my settings, and then install 9 over the top. Just to be extra safe.


    Everything seems to have that stupid live installer, where are the offline versions?


    EDIT: Found em. :)


    .....Would it have done that if I installed over the top, because I'll use system restore, and go back and do that, if so.

    Don't think so...but I guess the conversion process is more or less painless. https://my.eset.com/convert


    I'm lazy...in this case overlay is best ..........It's up to you.


    Now I don't know WHAT happened. I did a system restore, to go back and have version 8, but I'm getting some kind of error, saying my computer isn't protected, so I don't know what to do now.




    Well, an overlay will save your settings and it's a bit less painful. :P

    True. It's easy enough to export my settings, and import them into the new version,



    "If you upgrade v8 to v9, most of the settings should be retained. Exporting the configuration from v8 and importing it to v9 is not possible due to a new configuration system."



    So installing over the top (installing v9 over your current v8 installation) is your best bet here. Unless you want to install V9 from scratch by uninstalling V8 first.


    Just FYI :)


    Thanks! I just posted that I deleted the old version first, but I'm lazy, so I'm using system restore, going back, and then installing over the top. :)

  12. I deleted the old version, and installed the new version, but I can't simply put in my existing username ande password, they want me to convert it to an activation key??


    Would it have done that if I installed over the top, because I'll use system restore, and go back and do that, if so.

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