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About wx-tux

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  1. sorry, forget mentioned that if i trie to disabled firewall from centos i can't access to the web console for adminitration. See you thanks
  2. hello guys! i have a issue with era server. I deployed Era on Virtual machine on Google cloud platfom in the service Compute engine. Everithing works fine. But when i trie to download an installer all in one i get the message: could not download the installer: the selected package is not in the repository (attached the screen in spanish) I follow this articule https://support.eset.com/es/kb5667-el-repositorio-de-eset-remote-administrator-no-funciona-6x#01 But not works. So, i'll like to know you expert opinion about this Thanks for the help
  3. Hello guys!! i have windows 7 machine that dont left me install the installer all in one. When the installation end, it show me a screen that tell me "the instalattion don't completed sussesfull" en other machine i installed without problems. The windows is up to date. attach the screeshot Any idea, Thanks
  4. I've tried to unistall and reinstall but ever get this issue Can you help me, Please!!
  5. Thanks MArcos for the help But i can't change the name because one is a Active directory and another is a Host for VM.
  6. Hello guys!! I has been tried to install my new licence in the Vms on Hyper V with Windows server 2012 R2 and the host. The servers currenttly have the version of File security for microsoft windows server. but my licence only works in one machine. In the others VMs, i got the attached error. I tried to uninstall and reinstall but the installer is stuck Thanks for the help!!
  7. hi guys i installed the driver 5.3 ODBC and the ERA Server is installed Tanks for the help
  8. tanks for the help Today o tomorrow i wil try to apply yours recomendations
  9. HI, Partners: I have a issue when i tried to install the Era Server in Centos 7. I installed the Mysql ver 8, ODBC connector ver 8 from MysQL page. This is my Script : --skip-license \ --db-driver=MySQL \ --db-hostname= \ --db-port=3306 \ --db-admin-username=root \ --db-admin-password=********* \ --server-root-password=********* \ --db-user-username=root \ --db-user-password=************** \ --cert-hostname=";zeus.localdomain" This is the issue: 2019-01-19 00:43:25 Information: Entering function: void Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseWrapper::StoreStaticObjectPresets(const string&, const string&, bool, const string&, const string&, const string&, const string&, const string&, const string&) 2019-01-19 00:43:25 Information: Leaving function: void Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseWrapper::StoreStaticObjectPresets(const string&, const string&, bool, const string&, const string&, const string&, const string&, const string&, const string&) 2019-01-19 00:43:25 Information: Entering function: void Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseWrapper::ExecuteScriptsInDirectory(const string&, const string&) 2019-01-19 00:43:25 Information: ExecuteScriptsInDirectory: Processing file /tmp/tmp.xWP7sKH3u2/setup/Database/MySQL/SetupScripts/1_prepare_setup.sql 2019-01-19 00:43:26 Information: ExecuteScriptsInDirectory: Processing file /tmp/tmp.xWP7sKH3u2/setup/Database/MySQL/SetupScripts/2_prepare_setup.sql 2019-01-19 00:43:27 Information: Leaving function: void Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseWrapper::ExecuteScriptsInDirectory(const string&, const string&) 2019-01-19 00:43:27 Information: Entering function: void Era::Setup::Common::CustomActions::CDatabaseWrapper::ExecuteScriptsInDirectory(const string&, const string&) 2019-01-19 00:43:27 Information: ExecuteScriptsInDirectory: Processing file /tmp/tmp.xWP7sKH3u2/setup/Database/MySQL/SetupScripts/Upgrade/2_do_upgrade.sql 2019-01-19 00:43:28 Information: StoreStaticObjectPresets: Initializing with locale 'en_US' 2019-01-19 00:43:28 Information: Entering function: void Era::Setup::Server::CustomActions::Database::CCodeTokenExecutorStaticObjectsBase::SetDefaultDashboard(const Era::Common::DataDefinition::Dashboard::DashboardsData&) 2019-01-19 00:43:28 Information: Leaving function: void Era::Setup::Server::CustomActions::Database::CCodeTokenExecutorStaticObjectsBase::SetDefaultDashboard(const Era::Common::DataDefinition::Dashboard::DashboardsData&) 2019-01-19 00:43:28 Information: Entering function: void Era::Setup::Server::CustomActions::Database::CCodeTokenExecutorStaticObjectsBase::CreateReportTemplateCategory(const string&, const string&, const string&) CustomActions: /export/home/pb2/build/sb_0-30727560-1537981851.84/rpm/BUILD/mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.13-src/driver/my_prepared_stmt.cc:135: int ssps_get_out_params(STMT*): Assertion `values' failed. 2019-01-19 00:43:28 Information: Installer: Failed upgrading database. 2019-01-19 00:43:28 Information: Installer: Error: 2564: Error occurred while upgrading database Somebody help Me !!!!! Tanks
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