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Posts posted by moeetee

  1. 4 hours ago, Marcos said:

    As long as a supported email client is used, ESET antispam should filter phishing email.

    I see some auto filtered emails put to the Spam folder by ESET - that's only if I right click on the email and have it do it.

    I get random emails from people that sometimes go to junk - but there are shady emails with fake attachments and whatnot that still get through.

  2. 1 minute ago, itman said:

    Not sure since I never used Outlook, Does appear to be an "involved" process with Outlook: https://office-watch.com/2016/outlook-checks-for-incoming-attachments-like-doc-xls-etc/

    Actually, I meant remote content. Thunderbird e-mail for example does block it automatically: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/remote-content-in-messages

    There should be an option to receive e-mail in text format but send e-mail in HTML format.

    I'll check these out in a few hours when I get home.


    What about  me getting fake phishing emails even when ESET email protection is on?....What is the different with these large companies and their email security they use? Like Barracuda Email Security Gateway ?

  3. 1 minute ago, itman said:

    Yes. you already have it installed. It's called Eset Internet Security. Even if you don't use a supported e-mail client, it will scan all incoming POPS and IMAPS e-mail.

    My recommendations for client e-mail security are:

    1. Do not display attachments in-line.

    2. Disable all active content.

    3. For maximum security, only accept e-mail in text format. This way any links are clearly shown and will only open it your browser.

    I use ESET but I still get the fake phising emails....What is the different with these large companies and their email security they use? Like Barracuda Email Security Gateway ?


    How do I not make Outlook display attachments in the email?

    What do you mean disable all active content?

    Accepting email text in format - would mean I cant use HTML when I send outgoing emails?

  4. 1 minute ago, itman said:

    Eset is alerting on KMSAuto which is the license cracker. It also and it most cases when used as such, contains malware.

    Wonder why it's alerting me now when I installed it so long ago. I'll delete it.

    Do you know a good program that would have scan all email attachments and their body of their emails or better yet disable into text before an email hits my inbox? I've been getting hits from competing enterprises sending me fake and phishing emails.

  5. 7 minutes ago, itman said:

    Did you reboot? Appears uTorrent's auto update setting might be a registry setting. This won't take effect until a reboot is performed.

    If that doesn't work, your only other alternative is to create an Eset HIPS block rule that prevents utorrent.exe from modifying and deleting files in C:\Users\Moe\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\updates\*.* .




    This is what popped up now.

  6. 1 minute ago, itman said:

    Did you reboot? Appears uTorrent's auto update setting might be a registry setting. This won't take effect until a reboot is performed.

    If that doesn't work, your only other alternative is to create an Eset HIPS block rule that prevents utorrent.exe from modifying and deleting files in C:\Users\Moe\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\updates\*.* .

    Let me reboot right now. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    I see now that the event was detected not on a newly created file but when the app attempted to access the installer in the update folder. You can either choose to clean/delete the app in the install folder or exclude the signature from detection.

    Okay, I manually deleted those folders and .exe in the updates folder but when I reopen uTorrent these auto appear.ESETTT.thumb.png.df5772b7e4b1b777fc8b4d0f787fdc29.png

  8. 22 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    The app attempts to update. Upon update, it downloads the installer which is detected. As long as the app will attempt to update, the PUA will be detected. If you want to use it, exclude it from detection as suggested above.


    17 minutes ago, itman said:

    Or, disable uTorrent auto updating if that is possible. Then manually download any updates that might be available; preferably from a web site that has "sanitized" the download.

    I just opened it - disabled auto updates - exited it out. Reopened it and I still get the same thing...Nothing has been dowloaded or current being downloaded.

  9. I opened up uTorrent and started downloading 2 TV shows from a public torrent website and I receive consistent popups from ESET as show below:



    I kept clicking on Clean and the popup just kept popping up and continued to download the video files. Once they were done, I did a scan and nothing was found.


    Is this a false alarm or not? Were their viruses that ESET's scan did not locate?

  10. 40 minutes ago, Swamp Yankee said:

    It happens all the time to me at boot.

    The small blue ESET box appears on the screen, the icon is in the tool bar, then in a flash the UI Icon disappears and goes 'inactive'. Windows states "This notification Icon has become inactive" " It will be shown the next time it becomes active".

    I just reboot because I want it there, only once did I have to reboot twice to get it to stay active.

    The other thing you can do is find egui.exe in the ESET file in Program Files and run it.

    C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Security\egui.exe

    That path is for Win 7, don't know about Win 8 or 10.

    So if the icon disappears the program discontinues?



  11. 3 minutes ago, itman said:

    Per @Marcos previous reply and as shown in the below screen shot, the tag per default Eset setting is only supposed to be appended if the outgoing email is infected. So either your outgoing e-mail is infected which doesn't make a lot of sense or there is an Eset bug in regards to this. You can change the setting to "Never" in which case nothing will be appended to the e-mail.

    I just sent an e-mail to myself using Thunderbird e-mail client and nothing was appended to it. But Eset doesn't 100% support Thunderbird, so that might not be the reason why the message was not appended if indeed the issue is a bug.




    This is my settings:

    I guess I set it to scan all emails including infected, just to entertain my paranoia I guess.
    So I should change my Append tag messages to send email to... "To infected email only" right?\

    Email Alert Notifications ESET.PNG

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