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Everything posted by elpamyelhsa

  1. Here is a full dump during this issue. https://elpamsoft-my.sharepoint.com/personal/ashley_elpamsoft_com/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=066895d4cc1d045d1af77d429b4c78a75&authkey=AfKbO9rYKljUhOGhmx8Nu7M I will wait for the next PC to come in with this error to provide Poolmon info.
  2. I have had a 3rd PC do this now and captured a memory dump as previously requested. Unfortunately it is 8GB in size but i can share it still if you like. Removing v10, Installing v9 and upgrading to v10 seems to resolve the issue. Previously on another faulting machine, removing v10 and reinstalling v10 would not fix the issue. To do the 'dump' you have requested here i will have to wait for the next machine exhibiting this bug. Working in IT this shouldn't be an issue.
  3. Had this on two PCs this week NonPaged Pool data is maxing out RAM until Windows becomes unstable No process is claiming the RAM in Microsoft Process Explorer Microsoft Tool RAMMan shows NonPaged Pool 90% of RAM usage (2.9GB on both machines with 4GB RAM) Microsoft tool Poolmem.exe shows the driver issue ESET on Windows 7 Pro one machine 32bit and one x64
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