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About Leonsk

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  1. I mean it gets restarted! egui.exe is already running under ekrn.exe, if I click its icon in the sys tray it opens the GUI without any problems, but if I click on the start menu icon a new egui.exe process opens which results in the termination of the old one; sys tray icon also disappears and reappears again.
  2. Win 7 Ultimate SP1 x64 ? Clean install. Can you open the GUI through the start menu without EIS being restarted ? That happens to me every time I try to open the GUI, except through the system tray.
  3. I'm dead sure the culprit was EIS because I've had no BSODs (not once) since I bought this new PC for months, and after a few hours of EIS installation there's a BSOD. Sorry, but as I said I'm not gonna waste my time this time since I did this a year ago and I'm still waiting for an answer. You didn't even bother to reply.
  4. Today I finally overcame my reluctance to try the new EIS 11, especially after the bad experiences with ESS 9 and 10 which were disappointing. I thought maybe this time it's gonna be different, but I was wrong, EIS 11 is just as disappointing. I can look past problems such as there being no way to open the GUI except through the system tray icon, every other way results in an EIS restart. But I can't stand a BSOD, only after a few hours of installing EIS the system BSOD on me. I'm blaming this on EIS 'cause the hardware is new and till now there had been no BSODs. I've tried reporting bugs and problems before with the previous versions, but they've just been ignored so I'm not gonna waste my time reporting this properly this time. ESET used to be really great and I've used it with satisfaction for years, but the current state which it's in is unacceptable. I'm gonna install ESS 8 (the last usable version) for now, and look for better solutions, I'm tired of this. P.S. I'm experiencing these problems on Win 7, I don't know how EIS performs on other OSs.
  5. Thank you for the helpful replies. Apparently the windows firewall had to be turned off manually to get rid of the weird blocking, something which ESET should take care of automatically.
  6. Hi. ESET SSP 10 blocks IE11 and Waterfox 54. I can use Telegram desktop but can't open google :| It's a very odd problem and I don't have any clue. I have to disable Personal firewall to be able to browse. I've already tried switching between Filtering modes to no success. I also unblocked my router in Troubleshooting wizard but it keeps blocking it (not immediately). OS : Win 7 SP1 x64
  7. Hello. If I double click on the eset icon in the tray it's fine but whenever I try to run it by clicking on egui.exe it closes , launches the splash screen and starts again. Is it supposed to be like that ? OS: Win 7 x64 SP1 ESET Smart Security 10.0.390 I had the same problem with V9.
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