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Richard Wakefield

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About Richard Wakefield

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    Great Britain
  1. That is perfect thank you. Can i just check, if I was to set this up as a new policy to use through the business, would i always need it to be at the top of the policy list to ensure it applies to anything below it? Attached example of one structure we have, so I would need it above these two to ensure that web control turns off? thanks in advance
  2. So we have web control setup on our admin portal with restrictions on websites. But users are constantly being nagged that a web control block has occurred (image attached of the popup). Although i get the importance of these they are constant because a lot of these popups occur even when not browsing the internet for some reason, so two questions please: Why do the blocks/popups occur on non web browser traffic, and is there a way to limit these or stop them? Can we just remove the user from getting the popup altogether but still have the blocks logged at user and our portal end? thanks in advance Richard
  3. thank you I can see the blocked URLs on the users PC via endpoint fine now. Also I have a report setup to report any blocked URLs from web control but for some reason I am not getting any blocks reported from my policy only from the top level eset blocking rule: So on the users PC i can see in end point a successful block of https://www.ebay.co.uk at 10:13 today (27/08/2024) but on the cloud portal when i run the report i have created this URL does not get listed? So on the users PC i have a succesful block on
  4. Where do i locate these please? Are they on the local users PC or in the admin cloud central portal?
  5. thank you that makes sense. Could I also then please ask: With web control you can set a customer block message is this not possible with URL list management and web access protection? If I was to block all categories with web control and then also have a block * on web access protection with then an allowed list in the URL list management, which would take precedence? Would this allow list bypass both block rules? If a user gets a web page blocked rule is there a location to actually get the exact URL that has been blocked? Sometimes they can see the main web page but it could be some stylesheet/script that is being blocked that the web page is pulling from, how do i see what that URL might be as the main URL is ok?
  6. Thank you, I did have a policy using web access protection and URL list management in place, working fine apart from the below two issues (if you could help please) which is why I began investigating web control; I wanted to create a report that displays all websites/URLs that get blocked at user level and then schedule that report daily, but upon researching i came to the conclusion this could only be achieved with web control? I find if I add a new URL to my URL list management in my allow list it does not deploy to the users upon clicking finish and I have to remove the user from the group the policy is applied and then re-add them? Thank you everyone for all the information so far.
  7. So my block all rule i currently have setup in the URL groups for block all is just *, will this not work? I then have this URL group within the Rules section set as Block? Then in my allow rule i have a website to allow as https://url.co.uk/* ,my thinking was that the start of the URL would then allow anything after with the *? Can i also please ask what disabling this does and why this is required to get web control block all to work?
  8. Please see attached logs as requested. I was trying to access the website https://www.premierleague.com/ This should be blocked from my block all rule but it allows me to browse fine. ees_logs.zip
  9. Hello, I have recently been trying to setup a policy in our web protect admin portal to apply to a group of computers. My end goal is a block all web site rule for web browsing and then a whitelist for any urls that we allow. I have setup how I would expect this to look and following the online guides, but so far it is not applying for some reason. if anyone can help me find what i am missing it would be appreciated, below is my current setup: web access protection enabled web control enabled url groups setup block all - set as * allowed websites - one url included both set to replace rules setup with the allow url group at the top and the block group second in the list. blocked webpage message ESET PROTECT (version:
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